Thursday, June 28, 2007
Me - 'Do PRC Scholars score very badly?'Jia Yang - 'No, why?'Me - 'Because they're scho-lars.'Nicholas Teo - "You know Dota got Heartstopper aura right? Angus got Brainstopper aura.'Me - 'Lose 1% of max intelligence per second?"Nicholas Teo - "Aiya, we all hit negative mana already lah.'Hee hee, I'm not going to put like ( detailed explanation ) because I've already broken it up into the phonetic sounds and frankly that should suffice for anyone with half a brain. And the Angus one is just damn funny lah; Brainstopper aura.
School was a whirlwind of madness today. The lessons swept past so fast. Passed my Hydrochloric Acid/Sodium Hydroxide (first ever) titration test. Yay! I should start putting MORE smilies like people like Yang En XD
But smilies other than
:3 or
=3 piss me off because only those two are cute =3 Cutecutecute =3=3=3.
Have I ever mentioned I hate nudges, emoticons and just smilies in general. It's like a new way for people to irritate me on a visual scale now, instead of just with their speech.
Haha, it's 11.55 pm now but i need to destress after doing geography from 8.45~11 and then A-Maths and chinese administrative stuff ( read: filing shit )
Geography really killed my hands. P.E with a sore knee killed my legs. And then I see bloody people like Danial bitching about a timing of 12.07 while pathetic people like me get scores of 14.35, which is barely passing man!
I don't think smilies fit me. I had a whole line entitled "smiley attack " followed by a stream of smilies but that made my blog look incredibly weird since it's totally not me. It's like ismail in a bikini, totally visually-harming.
haha, i'm beginning to feel less and less like a committed member and more and more like a slave lah. I dunno, it's like some people just take for granted what I do lah, quite annoying since i work hard to do those things lor. Not appreciated =( ( OMG SMILEY) But I guess it's ok lah, since that's my ego blabbering.
And let's just see if I can juggle speech day concert emceeing and the CO performance since wu lao shi needs me to be in CO and well of course I can't possibly let wu lao shi down because wu lao shi rocks my vsco socks very much. So it's either I get to do both, or I stay with CO. It's quite sad lah, because I really want to EmCee, a lot. And it really is painful to me to have to choose, knowing that whatever decision I make, I'd always think of the alternative.
Yar it's dumb lah.
Damn I should sleep it's 12 am and I just told mum that "my dead is damn brain' which I suppose is inspired by Jont's 'my fried is brain" which just tickled me to no end, spent ages giggling over that one.
Youth Day celebrations tomorrow, and the screening of Singapore Dreaming at the school amphitheatre. No one from VSCo seems to want to go watch though =( I dunno if I should.
I drew many pictures on the VSCO whiteboard =)
Lino squeezed Panda at 11:31 PM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Yet I find respite to make (bo/wu) liao updates like this.
Hee hee.
I need to start putting quotes again =3
Lino squeezed Panda at 10:10 PM
I had a revelation-of-sorts today.
Actually, come to think of it, I've had thousands of clues just thrown in my face, screaming at me. But maybe that's why I didn't hear them. Hmm.
To those that read yesterday's post, I apologize. It was childish and infantile, and really immature and melodramatic. I didn't see the intentions of a friend, and jumped to conclusions.
Lino squeezed Panda at 7:19 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
-Deleted, for being childish, infantile and completely unappreciative of a great friend-
Lino squeezed Panda at 9:34 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Kill me.
Because I'm killing myself on the inside right now.
It feels like I'm dying...
Lino squeezed Panda at 10:36 PM
[On MSN]Me - "Hey, that display picture of yours actually looks...decent."Jo-Ann - "Zomgzorz really?"Me - "Yeah. What special effects did you use?"Jo-Ann - "I hate you."Hurhurabourrit. It's Sunday, about 16 hours till School starts and A-Maths is still mostly undone. E-Maths, I"m left with graphs. Chinese is not done, but I know more or less what to write, so it's left with translation and the actual putting of pen to paper. Social Studies should be a cinch, since yesterday's party gave me the most wonderful picture to use.
And yesterday night when I was feeling all depressed for absolutely no reason, Martin's picture with Shane totally cheered me up with the happiness =)
Happy Happy=) I'm all smiling now. This shall be my happy picture, the one I look to whenever I'm drinking D'presso.
Well, tomorrow marks the start of Term 3. New Monitorship, PSB Vice-Chair, CO and ELDDS Secretar
iaty and of course the wonderful vunderful CA2 and SA2.
It's been 2 1/2 years in VS, and now it's 1 1/2 to go. I'm going to make the best out of it? How about you?
Now speaking about best...Let's go smack some E-Maths Graphs ass...
Lino squeezed Panda at 11:25 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Me - "Is it ok if I just use my hands to mash the potatoes?"Yay. I have learnt how to make Chawanmushi and now Potato Balls =) Potato balls are very very tedious though. 2+ hours to peel, boil, smash mix etc etc.
But they were very nice = ) Too much butter perhaps, but delicious.
Relatives coming over tomorrow. That means Jo-Ann and that means spastic fun. But A-Maths is screaming for me to do, and being a lazy unmotivated bastard when it comes to homework, my E-maths is still undone. Damn.
At least English and Chemistry is done. That leaves...A/E Maths, Social Studies and the killer Chinese.
If A-maths doesn't kill me, Pang will. I looked at the questions, and I don't think i can do half of them. Damn.
But today was fun though. Woke up super late at like 9, then decided to laze around just a bit more in my nice comfortable bed.
Everyone can't seem to figure out the glass bottle post. Maybe it's too cryptic, too subtle. Maybe I'm just too guarded. But I can't say it out. I need to hear it from someone. Where be thou, my knight in shining armour.
Disturbing dream last night and I remember my dream during the CO camp.
The CO camp dream was symbolic I suppose. I was in school, walking the PSLTC nightwalk again. The field portion to be exact. And then when I was walking towards it, I began to shake and stuff. Then suddenly it stopped, the shakes. When I got back out, ,everything was super different. I remember that everyone was like...maniacal and stuff. People were just killing each other, so nonchalantly. I remember seeing the bodies of some very good friends just lying on the ground, the so-called red brick road. What an apt name, because it was definitely red with blood. Then I woke up, a bit traumatized.
Yesterday... Dreamed that I was in this super black world. Couldn't see much, only like myself. And then things would like fly by, and they'd touch me, but i never could touch them. It was like just a small brush against my skin, but it was super chilling. And then suddenly there was like like wispy thing brushing against me. Like super super fine hairs just tickling me. Although instead of tickling, it was painful. Not needle-like pain, but just...pain to the touch. Like scratching yourself with your not-so-sharp fingernails.
It continued for a while, it seemed like a long while, I dunno. It was a dream... And then the wisps began to hurt. Like really hurt. Remember I mentioned I can feel pain in dreams. Yeah, well, this proved it. It hurt a lot. I remember that I couldn't scream though. I was trying, but no sound could come out. There was blood, I think. I think my forehead was bleeding, although for some reason
that didn't hurt.
I can't remember any more. Just that in some point, the faces of all my friends, particularly the CO ExCO and PSB ExCo were like floating in front of me taunting me.
I don't quite understand my dreams. But if I tried to analyze every one, I'd go crazy anyway, since I dream every night.
Hurhur to vivid imaginations.
Lino squeezed Panda at 10:51 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yang En - "Eh eh everyone sleep lah. Don't make noise ok?"Alphonsus - "Yar lah, 5 seconds time if got noise I'll tell a cold joke. 1...2...3...4...5"Wee Bian - "HI!"[Massive giggles]Several - "Wah thanks."Yang En - "Alphonsus recharge next to the aircon."Me - "Common mistake. The aircon recharges next to Alphonsus. Cold is not the absence of heat, but rather the presence of Alphonsus."Wai Hong - "Does the hole have to be circular?"Me - "No, any shape. Square, triangle, circle, turban whatever."Haha, VSCO 07 June Camp was so fun yes?
*5 minutes later*
And to show my appreciation for all the fun times during this recently-concluded camp I've posted a thank-you note on the VSCO blog which doubles as a friendly reminder of the dawning of end-of-hols. I foresee a mad
chiong to finish their homework across the Victorian community . This is procrastination and this is bad. I wish I listened to myself. Noooo, there's always later.
Hey look,
later finally came. This is a particularly bad year to not-do holiday homework because my teachers are dilligent and actually care about homework. What a change from the norm! For better or worse.
Went to order lunch for the camp the day before the camp. Diao, small details. But I'm glad I notice them, because at least I'm certain I'm contributing. But anyway, met Danial, Clement and Sheng Qiang ( I think that's how you spell his name ) at school. Ren An came for a little while to watch White Chicks on Danial's laptop. Went for lunch at Parkway with Danial, Clement, Sheng Qiang and Herlene who took forever and eternity and then some to arrive. Clement managed to pull off the "exothermic" reaction on Herlene. She screamed bloody murder. So funny.
Camp itself was so fun, and sooooo exhausting. The first day saw DaZu in the morning. Naturally, without Rosin it was near impossible to play the Cello/Bass/Guan Yue melody properly since my bow kept sliding like it was lubricated. With what? Nothing, it's a figure of speech.
Sec 1s watched 200 Pounds Beauty. Hope they liked it. And Shrek 3. Whee. I forgot to borrow from Yang En. Darn.
Wah, I'm tired man. But I shall blog. Such is my desire to blog. Be grateful.
Amazing Race followed DaZu (but obviously preceded by lunch), with me and Benjamin Ong facilitating group 1, led by Eusebio. . Was a little less than optimistic about my group. But they really proved me wrong during the race. Sure, I hinted a little bit more than the others ( shut up John ) but they were smart enough to figure out most of the clues. Especially the nonchalant way that Eusebio recited the clues and locations.
Funny how most of the locations were affected. Plus+ removed the bolded Plus from their front panel, effectively removing a task. BreadTalk ran out of Wee Bian bread after a while. So yeah. Tasks were affected, but nothing serious =)
We actually finished the tasks first, per se. But Benjamin and I decided to treat them to drinks at SweetTalk, which eventually cost us the first position. As I pointed out to them, it really didn't make a difference, since the point difference was negligible. Plus they got free drinks lor. The only thing lost was the promised treat from Yang En ( since he sniggered that since my team started last, he'd treat me to a "feast" if we returned first ). No loss, since I would never have let Yang En treat me to begin with =) I'm nice like that, right? Right? HELLO... RIGHT?
*Runs to a mirror and nods*
Yes, let us continue.
We half-broke camp, because it's a 2-day camp and it was the 1st day and 1 out of 2 is 1/2 and so it's a half-break (SUCH BRILLIANT LOGIC) and then proceeded to destroy the CO room. Joel, Hao Ming and I played baseball with the duck candles. Vincent, Jing Qun, Wee Bian, Yang En and the rest ran around, all (except the obvious) chasing Vincent to jack him. The duck beak came off during one particularly hard smash. Oops. Fragments of wax littered the ground too.
Took us forever and ever to actually make our way down, and then another eternity to sort sleeping places ( which as predicted ultimately didn't make a damn difference ) before heading off to play Basketball. It was fun, running around like a crack-drug-addict. Bathed ( playing mini-soccer with a can in the showers with Wen Jun, kicking the can under the stalls ) then promptly starved half-to-death. Gastric was practically killing me lor, I could have played the Ju Ma xylophone solo on my ribcage. Anyway, we ( meaning they, under threat of extreme pain AND THEN death) finally ended up at the Parkway food court. Didn't manage to finish my meal despite my hunger though. Gastric in itself killed my appetite.
Was super bitchy and pissy. Sorry.
Comics Connection was the next stop. Some people wanted to buy this incredibly (f)ugly Bleach Rings which were apparently 8 for $4.90. I took one look, rolled my eyes and walked away. If that wasn't a clear clue to how I felt, Yang En asked for my opinion. -.-' I gave it to him. They didn't buy the rings, which turned out be $4.90 per ring. I think.
Went Giant to buy snacks for the planned movie. Snuck (via openly walking through the gates) back into school to find the PSB room occupied by Calvin, John, Naresh and the rest. PB room electrical outlets weren't walking, which originally made me think my laptop was busted. Emo'd for a while. Then around 11, took a nice walk around school with the rest of them ( which means Yang En, Alphonsus, Bryan, Emersius, Benjamin Ong, John, Jing Qun, Wee Bian, Vincent and Chen Ee ). Found out that Alphonsus and John both felt extremely uncomfortable in the left ( when facing it from the basketball court ) portion of the field.
Relieved a small part of PSLTC nightwalk, the worst part. All three of us were super super super uncomfortable with that particular section, all of us feeling that there was something really wrong. I felt very sick, Alphonsus apparently heard crying. John was more or less similar to me, and all three of us had a soccer ball kicked out, from situations not-possible. Mine was apparently kicked out from the ditch, and Yun Jun was definitely NOT in the field, or anyone other than me was in that field for that matter. Nothing...I dunno...Nothing, human? John had his soccer ball kicked towards him, which means from the entrance. No way even Yun jun could have kicked a ball that hard and fast, over -that- distance. I can't remember Alphonsus', but just talking about it then in front of the field made my hair stand. As in, hairs on my arms, not my hair per se. That'd have been cool.
I'm still getting goosebumps really. That was really a bad experience. The second bad experience being walking into a wall because I was trying so hard not to walk into the other wall along the corridor of the flexi rooms.
Decided not to go for another walk around the school. Had an impromptu talk about leadership, in general and specifics, with the Sec 2s. I dunno, it just had this very good feeling to it. On a perhaps more selfish note, it made me feel important. But what's more important, is that I really think we got through to the Sec 2s. Didn't manage to talk about all that I wanted, which I felt was a pity because the 3rd issue I wanted to discuss was actually quite personal and I wanted to talk about it. But never mind, we can always have another meeting. If they are truly interested in leadership, they'll ask me of their own accord.
I really want the next batch to succeed, I really really so want them to be good. I mean...They are such great people, personally. And professionally, while I (and this is my strong opinion) don't feel they are that good, there's so much untapped potential I see. Especially in people like Benjamin Ong ( who I really got to know during the camp. Such a great guy!) who are quiet, but have so much within them. Benjamin Ong, for example, showed me just how mature he is, and what a fun side he has too ( which came out during wet games )
We must make sure they succeed. Not just for CO, but for VS as a school. They will be the future leaders, and I"m determined to see them in leadership positions. Not because they are my juniors, but because...there's so much in these guys, so much that can be contributed.
So...errr...back to camp.
Everyone ( except me apparently ) was super tired. Yang En looked like he was almost dying, from exhaustion, poor boy. Most of them ( except John who went on a date with his "girlfriend" ) were like instantly K.O'ed the moment they hit the pillow. Vincent
kun'd almost immediately. Yang En had to go toilet -.-' Walked one big round to go, and we were talking about the previous previous blog post, the emo emo one. Yang En offered his opinion. While it was very comforting to me, really meant a lot to me that he tried to understand, he was still off. Way off. But Yang En, if you're reading this, thanks for trying. I really appreciate the effort.
I can't remember most of that conversation, must have been quite distracted by emo'ness. But I remember clearly Yang En saying that "he understands." and I replied "You don't. You really don't know me Yang En. You know the surface me, and a bit of the deeper me. But you know nothing of the whole me. I've been through some things some people should never go through. Ever. And I'm not prepared to say it out directly, because I'm just not strong enough."
What happens when a person does something so wrong, that it literally "traumatizes" you. How do you react and grow with that fact? I find myself using sharp words as a mini-facade, to keep people from getting too close. And yet, I'm hoping for someone who is willing to just brave the torrent of sharp words to really understand me. I'm looking for that someone.
Slept...badly that night I suppose. The nightmare came back again, which was no surprise to me, despite my efforts not to fall asleep, or to even think about. Yang En, me and Wen Jun were sleeping on a mat in the PB room, me sandwiched ( not quite ) between them. The two of them found ways in their sleep to confine me to a small space. Yang En's knees forced me away, then Wen Jun's legs literally shot out. I curled into a ball and tried to sleep.
It was a ...weird night. I remember a point where I was almost blind in the darkness, but every single sound was so distinct. Emersius snores, a cute little bit, I noticed.
I don't think I really had more than an hour of sleep. I remember waking up on every hour at the very least, and at least 3 to 4 times betweens hours. The environment wasn't exactly uncomfortable, perhaps just unfamiliar.
I was quite relieved, frankly, when 6.30 came around, although the hour before it was when I actually got about half an hour of sleep. Surprisingly, I was really sleepy around 6.15, but decided to stay awake, since I knew if I fell asleep, no way I was waking up until 8. Bathed, changed and then MacDonald'd for breakfast. Didn't really have much of an appetite, even for coffee with way-too-much-sugar-and-creamer.
Arrived back in school late ,almost a parallel of Jing Qun's birthday party event, with me Alphonsus and Yang En ( and joined by Vincent ) going back to school first. Thankfully the Sec 2s weren't THAT late this time, and the events proceeded as usual.
Meta-Physical games were fun. Paper Abyss was supposedly the hardest one, but most groups managed to figure it out. Most, because one or two groups would never ever ever have gotten it without a few clues and hints. The last group, the group with Ze Qing and Melvin inside drove me practically to tears with their unbelievable stupidity and nonsensical methods. Eusebio's group got full marks, not because I"m biased, but because they really were good. They followed instructions to the T, finished the tasks and quickly got the bonus points. It was done in like 5 minutes. Shiok man.
Impromptu wet games after lunch =) Benjamin Ong surprised me with how "wild" he was, spraying water everywhere. Emersius got bombed a lot of times, with water balloons, packets and buckets of water thrown at him ( water, not the bucket itself ). We actually gave the Sec 1s and 2s the prepared water balloons with the promise that if we were soaking wet by the end, we'd release them early.
Duh, we were already soaking wet, courtesy of hyper-ExCo. Emersius was 5 minutes into preparation. Benjamin Ong did it, not me. And Bryan. And Chen Ee. Who for some reason ( HE"S TOO TALLLLLLLLLLLL!) kept getting shot at by the water pistols.
Poh came really early. A new cello bow for $120, and then rosin. I love the rosin, and I missed the rosin so much.
Practice today was really really fun. The rosin really brightened my day, and I love the rosin so much. Ju Ma became so much more pleasant to play without the unnecessary sliding here and there. Even pizzicato sections seemed easier ( which is untrue since rosin doesn't even affect the area on which pizzicato uses ). Went back to the Suzuki Cello book to learn and re-learn. Didn't take too long to learn Nong Nong Ago, the harder version which involved a lot more, a lot harder notes because of their spacing and fingering. Minuet, No 3 was harder because of the lack of a second slur. Normally Bass songs which have slurs over notes played in quick succession, the slurs are found consecutively. Minuet, No 3 however had a slur over the first two notes of a 4-quaver section ( the first two bars in other words ) followed by the usual alternate bowing which left my arms a bit confused. Kept falling into a double-slur, and it took me until after break to finish the song. Not to mention while correcting my tendency for the bow to slide incorrectly and at a wrong angle... And Minuet, No 3 on the piano is the pop version that I used to play, which used a 4-4 timing. This bass one used 3-4 timing. Confusing...
Wow, large paragraph. Hee hee at the KidsExchange / KidSexChange picture on Emersius' blog.
There was this new song I learned, but I can't remember the name. Rizigando or something, a march-like tune. Finally learnt what the hell a second position is ( which is basically using a 2-4 fingering on the G-String B, C ). The song itself was easy, although the triple-quavers proved slightly difficult.
My group won overall =) Group picture will be posted another day because I really really cannot be bothered to upload it to my comp, then to photobucket now. I don't want to. I don't want to. nuuuuuuuu.
Pseudo-Feedback session after breaking camp. Max was damn funny.
Teck Kian - "And then I felt that-"
Max - "Teck Kian don't say too much if not I got nothing to say leh..."
Safety IC Joel re-told the Safety Speech story..
Someone - "Eh, Sulwyn got nose bleed."
Joel - [Damn loud] "Kanina..." *Rushes out* "Who's bleeding!?"
The way he did it was damn funny. As if Sulwyn WANTED a nose bleed. He got nothing to do than to go have nose bleed, issit Joel? Super lol man.
Played Truth or Dare for a while. Yang En got dared to kick the balls. John held me, as I screamed bloody murder and death threats, while Yang En finished his dare. He promptly spun the bottle, and it faced me.
Unfortunately, Yang En got to pick the dare... Let us leave the details unsaid.
Came back, sleeping in the car . 1 hour of sleep, so fun.
Blogging, now duh, full from curry chicken for dinner and ointment rubbed on my aching limbs. Sleeping after this, and then it's going to be a heavy shower of homework the next three days. Better bring the umbrella of efficiency.
Lino squeezed Panda at 9:02 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
VSCO June Day Camp 2007 tomorrow.
2 days of activities, 1 night of carefree playing and bonding.
Hope for the best.
I'm feeling rawr-ish.
Lino squeezed Panda at 11:09 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Mark -"Where's my sis?"Jo-Ann - "Toilet"Me - "Damn. Next time must run to the window, look down and scream MEL! See how he react."Haha, reading Yang En's blog sorta inspired me to blog.
I love Weng Keong's blog ( although he updates once a century ), Yang En's and Ming Cong's blogs. Such simplistic skins, coupled with the honest light and carefree nature of their posts really brighten my day. I don't think I can explain why, and I don't want to understand it either. Some things lose their magic when explained. I'll leave this a mystery =)
Using a facial wash now. Hopefully it'll clear up the beginning pimples. Looking like my face was hit by a meteor shower wouldn't be good now would it? So it's facial wash in the morning, and everytime I bathe/brush teeth. So about 2 or 3 washes a day.
Jo-Ann is tempting me to watch Bleach. And after playing
Bleach: Heat The Soul 4, I must say that temptation grows stronger. Hinamori is just so cute. Rukia, Matsumoto, Yachiro and Nemu are uber too. And Soifon is just
that cool. Gin is ok lah, Whorihime and Ichigo are definite no-nos. But in all, I dunno. Priorities first yeah. Homework, academics and the like. But catching a few episodes of Bleach now and then...wouldn't be too bad yeah? Jo-Ann tells me that episodes of Bleach are being taken down from Youtube though.
Hinamori =)
Tomorrow sees the CO camp dry run. A tad late really, but isn't really a difference from our normal "standards and protocol". Mistake not this statement as justification of our actions, but really as an indicator of how we are, in terms of efficiency.
I need to go on a shopping spree. I need to. I NEEEEEEEEEED to. Me and $500 to go Vivo'ing for one day and shop to my heart's content. I need a pink shirt, a couple more long pants, perhaps a long sleeve (t-)shirt, couple bermudas...and a crumpler. God I need a crumpler. Although it really is quite ex, and I do have a fairly nice functional bag now. So yeah, a crumpler shall not be at the top of my list.
And then really, I don't need more clothes. Well, I do, but only for variety. Can I throw together a decent outfit from my wardrobe? Yes, but it'll be monochrome ( and simplistic XD ) 60% of the time. And who's to say that's really bad. $500 on clothes that won't really make a
real impact on myself, or others isn't a good way to spend money. $500 on anything that doesn't really impact anyone isn't a good thing anyway. It's nice to walk around and think of buying this ( oh it looks super fugly/ugly ) and that ( so sexy/chic/cute ) but not worth it yeah? $500 could be much better spent. I need to update and add to my collection of books.
Speaking of which, I've just finished re-reading Hannibal's Rising and I must say that it is an extremely hard book to really undersstand. The literary terms and ideas are so well concealed that it really begets third, and even fourth readings. The pace of the story is rather awkward though, and I found myself skipping a few paragraphs here and there, although that impatience is a bane not a boon anyway.
I need more novels, though I've found I can't really just sit down and devour novels like I used to. I remember two or three years ago, Dan Brown's Deception Point, Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress were bought and read in close to a week, every word. And then I re-read them about two weeks later and found a little more understanding. The trip to San Francisco/Las Vegas again left me time to read the three through again, and this time ( thanks to Literature classes ) I've found a lot of hidden meanings and ideology I never noticed before.
Books =) My childhood, and now probably my teenagehood. I'm not complaining =)
Dry run tomorrow, shall be exhausting. Camp on Wednesday and Thursday, dental on Tuesday. School in two weeks, homework mostly untouched. Oh my. Whatever shall I do?
Lino squeezed Panda at 11:14 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Me - "Vincent keeps falling down because he's humpty dumpty lah...The shape also the same."
Condor Heroes is pissing me off. The storyline is absolute crap, the acting makes me bored enough to want to lactate, and the script is just pure-out shitty. No really, it's so typical.
[Insert name]! You're despicable I'm going to kill you to avenge my [Insert name of relative] who you betrayed for the [Insert name of Really-Important Antidote] to cure [Insert name of Supposedly-Uncurable poison/infection] just so you can learn the [Insert name of really powerful martial arts technique] to avenge your dead [parents/siblings/wife/husband] who was killed by [insert evil sect leader]
Yawn, much.
But thankfully DaZu gave me many many happy memories to keep. I shall keep my happy memories bottled up inside me. If sadness bottled up can cause people to become all suicidal and depressed, then happy memories should work to the contrary and make me a Care-Bear. A rather violent Care-Bear, granted.
As usual per this holiday, I've been alone during practice. Not alone strictly, since I am still basking in the company of friends dear, but rather that people like Michael and Melvin have gone overseas or are busy or have "taken leave." I still remember the first time Melvin told me ( after skipping practice ) that he had "taken leave." I choked on my ice-cream.
I need rosin. Specifically, my Bass needs rosin. And lucky Poh is buying next Monday. $70 invoice coming your way VS. And we need Tiao-Yin-Qi also... Maybe should ask him to buy. But last time he bought the damn expensive one...Which was white and sexy. Good.
Must ask Yang En.
Although as per usual he is dao'ing me on MSN. Probably watching Bleach. I bet people get hooked because of Inoue Whorihime. She's a slutwhore lah. Boobs bigger than her head for one.
Wow, Yang En replied. Oh, he went to take a shower. Must have been a non-Whorihime part.
That slut. Whorihime, not Yang En. I would never call Yang En a slut. I call him other things like "best friend" and "you" and "ehhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
Anyway, DaZu'ing was fun. Ju Ma is getting better and better, even though there're still minor flaws. Cello/Bass melody is impossible to play thanks to the tendency for the bow to slide due to a lack of Rosin. I haven't rosin'ed the bow in about a month now. Luckily it's half-pizzicato half-arco. Wo Yao Kuai Le is the killer though. I abhor mostly-pizzicato songs. It's a lot easier, but a lot more strenous and painful on the fingers too. My fingers were super uber red after that lah. So annoying.
And I'm still screwing up the semiquavers D-A-F#-D-A after the ...bridge I think. I think it's the bridge. The part before the last "chorus" anyway. So annoying. And come to think of it, I bet I'm still unable to play Tong Nian De Hui Yi the last part, the (4x2x4) 32-semiquavers part. Blasted thing. I can play all the harder songs, but I can't play that. Then again, Bass' levels of difficulty are not exactly very defined because it's BASS after all.
Soccer, or as Yang En calls it 'futsal', after Prac was fun. I use "xxx is fun" too much. It bores even me. I must be more creative. "Futsal" ( YES! Success, sorta ) . It was me, Max and Vincent against le liquin "liu-sers" ( alliteration yeah ) . And we got thrashed. Surprise. I played with the goalposts ( ducks ). Max kicked one and the beak dropped off much to my horror.
Auntie Melda is torturing me now. Well actually, she's applying ointment to my injured legs ( more on that later ) but for now she's OW OW OW! OW! OW!! TICKLISH! Auntie Melda says wah lao eh. Wah lao it's damn ticklish. She's evil. I must not scream. I must endure!
PURGE MYSELF WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ( Tribute to DarylBageroHo :3 )
Although to purge yourself means that you actually go and shit. Yeah.
Ok when you see me hammer letters out it hurts. I shall not scream so this is how I show pain.
Ok OSOOOOO anyway I was talking about PAIN PAIN LOTSA OF PAIN! PAINNNNN! Errrrrr futsal yes. Anyway, we played a few random games, running here and there. Vincent fell down a lot of times. John ran arounDDDDD behind a "podium". Yang EnNNNN defines a podium as something you can stand behind and talk. Ok then, the drum is a podium. Wee Bian tackled a lot. Jing Qun oleh'd a lot. Yang En's hand kept smacking into my stomach and lower. And when I refused to surrender the ball to him ( because I was against him ) he freaking hugged me and squeezed my n****** and when I screamed he grabbed the ball. OHHHH TICKLISH DAMNNNNN! STUPID OINTMENT!
Oh fine she left. Maybe it's better because it was so bloody ticklish. I was like just rub the knee JUST THE KNEE and then saying that if she even touched the skin below I'd shave her when she's sleeping. She left.
As to how my legs got injured. During Futsally, Jing Qun and I were rushing for the (very small) ball that Yang En brought. Get your mind out of the gutter. And in any case, we kicked the ball ( OUT OF GUTTER STOP GIGGLING ) and we both missed the ball spectacularly and our legs collided. Well, ankles, technically. With a very solid "thwack" sound I might add. And very pain. Yes pain. Pain was quite predominant then. I remember nothing when I fell down ( injuring other leg in process ) because of the pain. Oh wait, I remember something else besides the pain. it's err... more pain.
Siannn....I'm bored. Camp's next week and schedule's not finalized. Damn it lah. And I asked Poh to buy 2 tiaoyinqis too. >$70 invoice then. Wah shit I just smacked my ankles together per habit and I literally jolted with the pain. Wahhhhhh, this is testing my resolve man.
But I'm going to go church tomorrow! The pain shall not stop me! BE GONE PAIN!
Well, the first part can come true...
Ugh, stupid chain-emails and spams. Yes people I really believe that if I don't pass on this letter a [boy/girl/man/woman] who has been [raped/skinned/drowned/hanged] will come to my [closet/under bed/above me]
Lino squeezed Panda at 8:52 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Me - "Ugh...This is so boring...Must...Chop..."Glen, Me, Musli - "WOOD!" [Bursts out laughing]Hahaha!
Today Musli and Glen came over to my place. Alphonsus was suppose to, but he fell sick, down with a fever and headache. Must be serious, no? Mr Freeze himself catching a fever.
Get well soon Phonzi!
Anyway, went to the station to fetch Glen at about 1. Musli was coming at 2, so we decided to go makan first. Nearly got lost going to the McDonalds here since it's been ages, eons and ismails ago that I've walked
that part of my neighbourhood.
McWings and a Hot Fudge Sundae really hit the spot. Talked with Glen about lotsa PSLTC stuff too, and I realize he's really quite different in his mindset. He's more of a try-new-things-and-methods person, while I'm comfortable with what we are doing, and aim to refine and perfect it instead. But I really feel we work very well together, because communication between us is just so clear, more than anyone else I know.
Wish us luck in bringing VSPSB to greater heights!
Hmmm, I really don't know my neighbourhood. Looks like an excursion is in place. Me, my MP3 and nature. Well, concrete nature anyway. Lots of void decks, because this is Serangoon.
And Kenneth Tay may be living shooper-dooper close to me. If his new home is near Serangoon/Bartley's like just down the road from me. Literally.
Haha, he's panicking about it on his blog =)
Back to Musli/Glen
Yar, so Musli and Glen came over to draft some stuff for PSLTC. Had hell convincing Glen to come here because he was "tired after playing golf" ( which he left halfway due to bad weather anyway...) I won in the end =)
Planning was super super fun, because we were half-digressing and half-planning. As in, plan quite a bit, then get distracted by something ( like my foot on Musli's hair when he tried to stand up, resulting in snapping his head back ). But the planning was fine, taking only 3 hours. I can safely say that is by far more efficient than 5 CO Comm meetings put together.
Here're some memories from today:
Me - " it's group leaders are to"
Musli - "Bring their groups to hunt down witches and burn them."
Me, Glen - "What the?"
Me - "Competitive spirit"
Glen - "Yes, make them cheer against each other!"
Me - "We'll send them to war against each other. Losing team dies"
[ Second of silence]
Me, Glen, Musli - [Literally rolling with laughter]
Glen - "We can have the 6 words thing from Sec 3 camp"
Me -"Yar. Words like black forest. Deep dark cave."
Musli - [Giggling] "Volcano."
Glen - "Sick lah."
Me - [Laughing]"Train!"
Musli - "Eruption!" [Bursts out laughing]
Glen - "Linus, you free tomorrow?"
Me - "Morning I got prac, then I'm playing soccer. Yes I play soccer."
Musli - "Glen can't play soccer."
Glen - "Yes I can hor. Later I'm going to my grandmother's place to play soccer ok? I'm damn good at it."
Me - "When playing against who? Your grandmother?"
Musli - [Snickers]
Glen - "You two can host a show called Mean Boys lah. Get along so well. So bitchy."
Me - [Bimbo accent] "Like totally."
Musli - [Bimbo accent] "We can so totally do it."
Glen - "Okok, let's get back to-"
Musli - "Oh my god, Glen, can you like not interrupt us with your like nonsense."
Glen - [Sputters indignantly]
=) Musli and Glen are sooooooooo funny lah. Fun, AND efficient. How rare is that? Can the CO comm reach a level of efficiency anywhere near ours? I doubt it, not with our current standard.
Of course, some people will not think and say that I'm insulting the CO comm. Obviously these people do not know me well and/or are idiots. Anyone who even knows me decently well will realize that it's far from my intention to scold. My intention is to point out a flaw. Not to blame, not to point fingers, but just to point out the flaw. And fix it.
Sometimes, I find it's just better to cut myself off from my emotions, especially when deadlines draw near. This really holds true for stage-work, something I'm really passionate about. SYF Drama pissed me off countless times because of the sheer un-professional attitude of the actors and stage crew. When you can't even do your part properly, am I not suppose to point it out? Shall I instead, sit back and pretend nothing happened? I can, and I did. But very little got done that way. Oh sure, people were happier that way because no one had his flaw pointed out.
Well to hell with that. Why should I let YOUR short-term happiness impede and obstruct efficiency? So just so that you can be happier for 1 second, I shouldn't point out a flaw? I'm not even scolding them, just pointing out a flaw. Perhaps in my customary manner which is more direct and more brusque than others, that I admit. But I pinpoint the flaw. Shall I waste time, hemming and hawing and mincing my words in an attempt to euphenize it? Or can't I just get to the point. "You did this wrong. Try doing ..." Saves time, saves effort. Why should pride get in the way of bettering yourself? So you made a mistake, deal with it. Just stop crying and whining about it and fix it.
Surprisingly, I find in Dota a very relevant representation of this. I know I'm not good, but what pisses me off is when people try to "help" by telling me that "I should farm better." Well, I'm not a braindead retard, I know what I should do. But your pathetic and probably hypocritical effort to help is completely useless. Why not tell me how to do it. "Time your last-hits" or even stuff like "Use Alt to see lifebars to better get the last-hit" Both of the two examples are far better than "you should farm better." What's so good about making someone feel slightly lousier?
You're not even making him feel good, dammit. It's just
slightly better than
lousy. Get it? It's not positive, it's just a higher negative. It's not -5, but it's just -3. Either way, it doesn't help. If you don't point out and suggest solutions, then it's about the same as just not saying anything at all. You're doing the equivalent of pointing out my mistake, but just watching me do it over and over again without actually telling me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks a bunch, really, for your sheer uselessness.
When I become more cold, things get done better and faster. Maybe your feelings are compromised a bit, but that's your pride talking. Your ego is hurt, but your talent is still unscathed. You're not traumatized, neither are you so deeply scarred that you'll never ever be able to continue. But you're angry that I pointed out a flaw. Congratulations, your immaturity far exceeds known barriers. You must be proud of your stupidity, because you're simply dumb enough to be so.
I'll find that balance of emotions and efficiency. And I don't believe that you can have too much of both. Emotions are both a help and hindrance to efficiency, and I'll find some way to overcome the hindrance. And if it's by cutting emotions off entirely for that situation, then I'll do it. And I know I'm capable of it, because I've done it before.
Sacrifices must be made. I see Cruella De Vil's point now.
Socio-pathic? Maybe I am. I dunno. Maybe that's someone I want to be. But I don't, not really. I don't want to be emotionless, but just enough to not let emotions hinder something which is clearly better yet obstruct by something as silly as pride or shame. It's a waste, it's a bloody waste, and I'll overcome it.
I'll find that balance. Emotions and efficiency, I believe one isn't the other. Maybe you guys out there disagree. I don't know, and perhaps, depending on who you are, I don't care. I'll forge my own path and make my own discoveries. Perhaps that's the only way I'll ever be sure.
And there's the fear of not being able to be sure.
When you're never going to be certain of something, whether you're right or wrong...
How do you proceed?
Do we just continue?
Or do we breakdown.
When you're not sure...
It scares me really, that there'll come a time when I have to choose. And neither is definitely right and I have to choose sides. Can I make that decision? I don't know, really I don't know. Or maybe before then, I'll fall by the wayside.
Remember when we were 14, and still playing catching? That seems such a short time ago, and yet so long. Physically, we're not much different. But my mindset has changed so much...
And recently, I've been having nightmares again. I thought I was free from them, and I was wrong. Nightmares about you, and what you did.
I hate you, I really do. What you did, you did without thinking. It's nothing to you, but those 6 months were hell to me. It's nice, your position of power isn't it? The way you used it to make sure that I couldn't be happy, but still I had to look happy. Because if I didn't, you'd be angry and it'd start all over again.
But thank you for what you did. Because I learnt something. I learnt that you abuse your position and authority to do what you did. Your actions never justify themselves with anything but force, because you know what drives you is selfishness. You did what you did to me, without thinking about how it affects me. And it did affect me, more than you or anyone else will ever know. Like a scar, it never goes away, no matter what I do. Because there's no surgery for memories, both good and bad.
I wasted
a year in something
incredibly dear to me because of you. Or I used to think it was you. But I've decided that it was my fault. Because I should have seen past your actions, to see the cowardly bastard that hid behind that facade. I should not have let what you did affect me. To such a great extent, because there's no denying that scar that you did rend.
And yet, I find that I thank you for it. Because at the end of it, and as I continue on my own path, I can tell myself one thing.
I will
never be like
Lino squeezed Panda at 9:08 PM
Jordan Scott Miller's blogA most profound blog entry that explores the rules governing Twitspeak and VeryCuteNorhX. Be enlightened by the in-depth analysis and breakdown of Twitspeak and VCNX.
Remember to tag your undying thanks and appreciation.
Jordan is my hero =)
Lino squeezed Panda at 12:02 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
[Outside a shop]Yang En - "Eh I like that shirt" [Picks up a damn sexy green shirt]Vincent - "Hey, Linus said that shirt is damn nice..."Me - "See, Yang En knows style. Oh my god Yang En you have a sense of fashion?"Yang En - [Sad face]Gahaha. I mean =) ( This is for you Cassii! )
[There are pictures in this post! Yes, that's right, Linus will be posting pictures. Now clean up whatever food/blood you spat out in shock and read on]
Today was wonderful wonderful wonderful. Swimming in the morning was damn damn nice lor.
Woke up at 6.30 and tossed and turned in bed. Still jet-lagged I think, although a portion of it is due to sheer excitement I suppose. Finally got up at 7.30 to go and bathe, pack my stuff and eat. Then went to meet Wei Liang at his house and go to Tampines.
Wei Liang was doing Chemistry on the bus. Surprise. I wanted to take a photo but...
Found out at the bus terminal that Vincent wouldn't be joining us. Emersius wore jeans and shoes, the only one there wearing long pants and shoes. Go him!
Changing at the locker room was damn funny sia. Everyone was like waiting for Emersius to come out. And then I kept trying to look away from Wee Bian's skimpy trunks. Wei Liang's too. Skimpy skimpee skimpie. Pie.
And everyone there had like a six-pack lor. Or maybe they're just damn skinny. Yang En's abs were super visible lor. But they're not hard, as I found out after accidentally punching him while turning around. Hey, he was standing behind me ok!
The lockers were a hassle. Wee Bian was like complaining we'd spend the entire day there. "Lesson 1, putting stuff in the lockers." It's really super ma-fan with only one machine there. I can just imagine the queues on busier days. Must be like hell.
Shared a locker with Chen Ee. Emersius, Yang En and Wee Bian managed to stuff their bags into one. I don't know how, Chen Ee's and mine (including footwear) were already stuffed to the max. Emersius had to stuff his shoes under the lockers though =)
Spent most of the time in the 1.4M pool. My legs ache now, must have over-strained myself. This just shows how horribly unfit I am. Dead twigs possess more agility than my legs now ok...
Oh, Yang En tagged on my blog. Surprise.
Speaking of which, I guess Yang En, Emersius and I really bonded a lot today. Especially Yang En and I. Talked a lot with him, and about him as well. He's really such a nice guy lor, I feel so ashamed and flawed next to him. Emersius was blurer than usual today. But I think the three of us have really gotten to know each other a lot more today. And I'm glad for that =)
My wonderful friends bring overwhelming emotions of gratitude to God for them in my life. Really, it does. I mean, who can really say that have friends that stick by you through thick and thin, seeing and helping with your flaws and strengths. Who are so loyal to you even through your incessant and unnecessary bitchfits.
Not many, I'd say. And again, that's why I feel so blessed to have these guys. And I love them, really I love them as brothers. Can I just say again how much these guys rock my VS socks?
Yang En
Wee Bian
Jing Qun
Just for being who you guys are.
The baby pool was fun! Sliding down face-first was amazingly exciting. Especially when Emersius slid down and stopped halfway. Yang En came down and practically slammed into Emersius. Then Jing Qun came flying down, crashed into them and then went past them and continued into the water. Wee Bian and I were like just doubled over laughing and laughing as Yang En and Emersius untangled themselves.
Unfortunately, the lifeguard didn't like that. Neither did he like it when I tried to lift Yang En on my shoulders. But then again Yang En almost drowned me anyway =(
Me, Jing Qun, Chen Ee and Emersius made a foray into the mysterious depths of the 1.8m pool. Which turned out a LOT more fun anyway. It was warm like hell ( no pun intended ) and heck of a lot deeper ( .4m deeper and guess how I know ) Swam back and forth before rejoining Yang En, Wei Liang and Wee Bian back in the
babykiddy 1.4m pool. Splashed around a lot more.
Somersaulting in the water was fun. Forward flip was easy, finally managed to do a backward flip. Then during a flip, both my legs cramped up. I was screaming bloody murder in the water. I was literally shouting in the water. They saw lots of bubbles I guess.
Couldn't walk or swim properly after that for a while.
There was a pleasant spatter of rain halfway and it was really enjoyable. The cooling splatter of droplets against my skin was deliciously comfortable =)
We went to the baby pool slides then. The mushroom waterfall and plain ol' massaging waterfall were reminders of youthful(ler) days spent swimming in the pool near my house. Ahhh, memories.
The 1.8m'ers went back to the 1.8m pool after that, managing to drag Yang En with us. Taught Yang En how to tread water which he learnt surprisingly quickly. Then again Yang En is damn smart so it's actually not a surprise after all. =)
Wei Liang and Wee Bian finally
deigneddecided to join us. Wei Liang has learnt to (sort of) tread water. Wee Bian, I dunno. Like half-drowning half-erotic-dance when treading water. I was giggling too much.
And I prefer swimming with spectacles. It's just a lot clearer, and I can see decently underwater anyway. Goggles hurt my eyes too, I don't know why.
Went back to 1.2m pool for the last time to splash around. Swam under Yang En who was initially absolutely petrified that I would jack him. I promised I wouldn't. But I SWEAR it really was an accident ( i'm serious ) that when I flipped around to swim back, I accidentally kicked him. It was an accident, really! But Yang En didn't look like he believed me.
But I could have been mistaken. His face was, after all, more or less grimacing and he had been doubled over... Maybe I mistook an expression of happiness and bliss for one that said ( and he verbally reconfirmed ) "I'm going to stab you Linus!"
Heavy rain set in then, and we decided that it was time to go anyway.
Yang En's locker refused to open. Poor boy was shivering like crazy, so I lent him my (pitifully small) towel. See I'm nice. After about 7 attempts, the stupid locker finally opened and Yang En was practically blue by that time ( and still shivering ). Funny, because I didn't feel cold at all. Must be because I spend a lot of time with Alphonsus =3
Remembered to snap shots for the planned CO Memories Montage ( I just came up with that see how I burst with creativity xD ). Jing Qun and Wei Liang were already bathing though, so I didn't manage to get a full group shot.
Come to think of it, I didn't get a group shot of the rest anyway. Just a couple of me and Yang En. Me, Yang En and Emersius. Yang En and Emersius. And a couple of Wei Liang and Wee Bian. Pics later at the end of the entry.
Went to eat lunch at S-11. The so-endorsed-by-Wee-Bian chicken rice was ok lah. Nothing fantastic or special really. But it was nice. Was feeling super tired then though, exhausted from the (relatively ) long swimming and the chlorine was making my eyes feel super heavy and pseudo-melting-botox.
"Shopped" at Century Square. Original plan was for Emersius, Yang En and I to go IPZon'ing. Turns out the rest followed us ( joined by Vincent ) to go because of a planned Dota match later.
The IPZone turned out to be inside Samuel and Kevin which I vehemently hate. Except for the green shirt ( see top quote ) which actually looked half-decent. Vincent likes this wonderfully fugly t-shirt that everyone else hates. I'm talking a black polo with a dark-blue polo. Looks like cat vomit if you ask me.
The ladies' selection was a lot nicer though. Wee Bian kept glancing at the frocks/lingerie.
Window-shopped at Isetan. We rediscovered the inner kid at the toys section. The "fishing" was especially fun. "My First Laptop" scared me though since all that happened when I pressed the keys was to make some obviously-mutilated cat pop out and regurgitate pre-taped messages of love and joy. I ran away, truly fearful.
AMBLED off with Yang En to look at wallets and find for him his ideal bermudas. The first was accomplished, the second not. Talked a lot with Yang En then about school, CO and just life in general.
Saw Maxicheebong there as well. Dunno if he saw me, but I decided to ignore him and just continue.
Emersius tried out a fugly pair of goggles that made him look like a frog. See what one wrong accessory can do? From Ka-Wa-ii to Please-Shoot-Me in about 3 seconds. Amazazing.
Wei Liang and Wee Bian left to go Potato's house to plan a birthday party/prezzie. Yang En then realized the absence of his shoe bag and a panicked walk back to S-11 followed. Thank God he found his shoe bag with the JOHNSON'Ss inside and the expensive face wash which is not working.
Bussed with them to Parkway to play Dota with Chen Ee, Vincent, Jing Qun and Emersius. All of them knocked out on the bus except Yang En. I wanted to sleep, but couldn't anyway. Talked a bit more with Yang En before he dropped off at his stop and went home. The rest of us proceeded to Parkway to see a new LAN shop (which was close and bore an extremely confusing sign ), then went Katong.
Played 3 matches. Verdict?
Must keep an eye on Chen Ee
Vincent absolutely sucks at Dota.
Emersius squeals. A lot.
Played for 3 hours, until 6.30 before we actually noticed. Last match was pretty hectic, at first going mine and Emersius' way before Chen Ee got a bit too powerful and started owning. Then rushed back home and collapsed, exhausted on sofa. I wanna eat Nata De Coco.
Oh well, got a "day off" tomorrow. Going to sleep my heart out, and hopefully do homework. I need to do it, really. Gah, cannot procrastinate.
And good luck Cassii for your chemistry test =)
Ok, now for piccies.
Ugh, hasn't finished uploading the pics yet.
*wanders off to watch Youtube videos*
[1/2 hour later]

The retina-searing flash of the test shot.

Me and Yang En. Ignore the horrible pose, it's like I had a boob job gone wrong. Yang En looks like a skeleton

Me, Emersius ( xD ) and Yang En.
Emersius and Yang En:

Hi Chen Ee!




I'm particularly fond of this one because of that look that Yang En has. Emersius is just...Emersius.

Jing Qun

Wei Liang looking at Wei Liang

A shot of my oversized jaw
WeI Liang and Wee Bian

I like the lightning in this one =) I don't think it's actually good, but I'm fond of it.



Wei Liang's Gatsby. Emersius likes the smell. Glen may be right about the drug-addict part after all.

Lino squeezed Panda at 9:35 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007
[Soccer]Daryl Ho - [Kicks ball, ball flies backwards]Me - 'EMERSIUS!"Emersius - [Blink ] "Huh?" [ Casually picks ball out of air ] "What?"Everyone - [O.o] "You caught it!"As predicted, the CO rendezvous was lurbbely. And I even managed to finish ( a bit ) of my E-maths homework. Which only leaves a ton left. But remember, it could have been a ton AND a bit. One small step for freedom, one small step from hell.
CO meeting in the morning was fun fun fun with all the Brunei'ers back in CO to share their wonderful experiences. Yang En was smirking about his room with Emersius and the wonderful bonding they had. Bryan managed to buy pirated CDs that suck ( surprise...). All of them complained Bryan kept shaking the boat.
I had to concur when I watched the video.
Have I ever mentioned I love Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Yes, yes i know it's received sucky reviews but it's still nice =) Although after a while, there's nothing left to do ( besides horribly long and tedious Konquest ) and I absolutely rape ( the computer ) with Kitana.
So now I must practise with other characters so I can rape the computer with every character.
Except the slow fat ugly and clunky ones. Like Onaga ( a slow fat ugly clunky dragon ) and Meat ( slow fat ugly clunky skinless-body ) and Blaze ( slow fat ugly clunky pieceocrap ). I like Kitana. Yes, she's not that powerful and takes more damage than my grandmother would but she's fast and quick and has a sexy sexy teleport. And she fights with Steel Fans. It's like oh I"m just fanning myself OOPS there goes your head.
The CO Comm ( And dear Wei Liang and possibly Amoosemoose ) are going serweemeeng tomorrow at Tampines something something pool complex. Let's see. Wei Liang, Amos, Me, Yang En, Emersius ( XD ), Wee Bian, Jing Qun, Chen Ee, Vincent Ooi. 9 people set to have a fun fun day outside.
OMIGOSH i just looked at Amos' friendster and he has the same pokemon jigsaw puzzle as me !
And it's 11.05 pm and I need to go sleep because i need to wake up at 7.30 tomorrow and I still need to fight jetlag.
On second thought, I'll go beat up more people with Kitana in MKA.
Lots of lurbbe.
I jiggle at the exciting prospect of tomorrow =)
Lino squeezed Panda at 10:54 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
My heart fairly jiggles at the heart-warming prospect of tomorrow's pseudo-committee meeting. Our first rendezvous of the holidays ( I spelt that mindlessly following English rules and ended up with holidaies ) shall be fun, I can sense it in my bones.
Yang En and Emersius have gotten to know each other very well. That is good too, because our committee shall be bonded. As shall the PSB committee. Bonding is very important. It helps communication, allows you to make new friends, and is responsible for many of the substances present in our everyday life.
Where would we be without the bondage errr bonding in our everyday lives. Where would we be if the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atomnettes did not bond? We would be without water, my friends, and that would be like chocolate truffles without a spoon. Ah! The thought is painful in itself.
If you're wondering, Yang En said I rock. I fully concur, because I'm damn stoned right now and whatever crap is coming out on your screen as you read is the magnificent product of a Father Boredom and Mother Insomnia. Dajoyyeah?
Amazing Race yesterday was fun. Even though I was hooked on Mortal Kombat Armageddon, I miraculously remembered to look at the clock and saw it was 11.15. Naturally I panicked and in the process lost my 7 straight flawless victories with Kitana. Immensely irritating, I quickly finished poor sad Taven off (
knee to face -> groin kick -> face punch -> groin kick -> knee transition -> 2 face punches -> 2 face knees -> neck break -> face punch -> head rip ) for an
Ultimate Fatality ( + 500 Koins ) and then bathed and sprinted to the MRT station.
Being horribly unfit as I am, I was ready to puke blood and bleed vomit but I endured and perservered and I'm going to play epilepticHexic with Danial.
Lino squeezed Panda at 8:12 PM
Glen - [Slaps me, runs away]Me - "Oh you die." [Runs after him into the toilet]Glen - [Hides in cubicle]Me - "Glen, I will get you and when I do, I'm going to hang you and set you on fire."Chin Boon - "Wah, so hiong..."Ughhhh, Yang En typed in the VSCO blog in short-hand. Must...edit..
I lurbbe me.
It's like, people type short-hand practically every day. SMS, MSN, Blogs etc etc, all using short-hand. So when it comes to a situation where proper usage of English is required, they die. And then they'll complain "Aiya, my eng vry bad 1. Dunno y oso.'
Well, you could stop butchering the language on a daily basis. For one.
Did a post of mine disappear? I don't remember having another post. Too stoned to blog.
Hmmm, must decorate ELDDS board on Thursday, clean up room and start planning EMD. Then, there's practice. My life epitomizes slavery.
Nahhhhh, I lurbbe it because I lurbbe the people in my CCA ( most of them ) and I lurbbe spending time with them ( when I'm not plotting how to kill them ). Thus, the board decoration should go wonderful ( bullshit ) , the room should be cleaned fast ( bullshit ) and EMD should be planned smoothly ( absolute bullshit)
Now I must go and find out where's the game proposal. OH SEC 2 EXCO!
Yang En hasn't emailed me the camp time-frame. Apparently, nothing has been done in those 6 days between my trip and the brunei trip.
Ugh, they are so pissing me off.
Lino squeezed Panda at 2:06 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
Me - "Why did you order tomato juice for me?"Mum - "I thought you wanted to drink it after you wake up lah."Me - "Tomato juice?"Mum - "How I know what you want?"Me - "Other than the fact that I've been drinking apple juice for the past 6 years and haven't touched tomato juice since I was 6..."But mummy dearest had the best of intentions and I still lurbbe lurbbe her beriberi much.
Firstly, PSB handover results are out. It's a bit sad that I didn't get the Chairman post I wanted, but at least it's gone to Glen. Vice-Chairman isn't bad at all, is it?
Rio has not sent me the script? Maybe he's died or something. Because that script should have been sent at least 1 week ago. Unless, of course, he wants to send it on the last week and watch me go through logistics hell. Which I won't of course, because I will have other things to do. Camps and homework, not to mention my personal life ( which is practically non-existent thanks to
prisonschool )
PSB-ish Amazing Race tomorrow. Was going to go with WengKeongKeong to go watch some Georgette Chan musical, but decided to go for the Amazing Race with the other PSBers =) Sorry Weng Keong! I'll make it up, I promise!
Waiting for handover results was super-tiring I tell you. Since the BBQ ends at 9 p.m ( thereabouts ) which is about 6 am at Las Vegas. I was like awake since 6, checking my phone every 5 minutes. When it finally came, the first thing I saw ( thank you alphonsus for so kindly SMS'ing me results ) was chair: glen.
My first thought? "Whew, at least it's Glen."
I mean, I won't pretend it didn't register as annoying ( more irritating than anger really ) but it's all dissipated anyway. Glen's damn capable and we all lurvve him don't we?
Speaking of Las Vegas and my trip in general, I'm sorry, I'm not uploading any more pictures.
See, this is the way it works. It's either I upload every single picture ( thanks to OCD ) or I don't upload at all. Since I've taken over 200 shots, and there is no freaking thing that will make me upload and manually resize 200 shots. It's pure lunacy and while that is a department I excel in, no thanks.
Damn I'm quite sleepy. But I can't sleep. As in, I won't let myself sleep that is.
I can't wait for Monday. Back to CO, back to see the CO guys. Frosty, Oinky, Kawawii, Prefecty, Horny, Eyebrowy, Enthu'y and the other ['y] people. I missed them so much lah.
Oh yar, I found out sometime. You know how people say you can't feel pain in dreams? Bullshit. I dreamt of being stung by a bee. While I sincerely doubt it hurt ANYTHING like a real bee-sting would, it still did hurt anyway. And it's definitely not a scratch or anything, nothing that I physically did anyway. Because there were no marks on my hand ( where I dreamt I was stung ). Besides, the pain was sharp and fairly deep, no scratch could do that. So either I can really feel pain in dreams ( which is too far a possibility, seeing as that watching Saw III made my ankle throb with pain ) or I'm psychic and can predict the future =)
That'd be cool though.
Mmmm, I think I wanna go bathe again and do something =) See ya
Lino squeezed Panda at 4:30 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Ok i can't think of a quote now I'm very sorry I know you people
live on my quotes ( and it's practically the only things you guys read ) and thus I'll make this post more bold'ed'ed'ed and italicized'ed'ed'ed and by the way if you're the kind of guy/girl who needs punctuation marks to stop and let your eyes rest congratulations your eyes just imploded.
Uncle Winston's house toilet is damn cool lah. You like stand in the bathtub to bathe, and directly opposite you is this (almost) full length mirror that practically spans the wall. I can actually see myself soap and bathe! Rubbing soap all over my sensual body...Mmmm heaven.
[Little break for you to clean up your vomit]
Speaking of toilets... the Glacier Point toilet in Yosemite National Park was bloody shitty lah. It's like
Au Natural ish and let me tell you it is DAMN natural. It's really just a "room" with a toilet ( AND NO SINK ) and there's this seat and you seat down and woe betide you if you look down. Because you get to gaze into the magical workings of other peoples' business. There's no flush system, whatever comes out just goes straight down.
Although my mum said it's not as bad as compared to some market in Shanghai or something. The toilet ( for girls ) is apparently like just one LONNNNNG drain and you just do your business on top of the drain and if you're last in line you get to enjoy the beautiful sight ( if you look down ) of the waste of others. Desirable.
Ok, now that you guys are sufficiently disturbed/traumatized...
Yosemite National Park was a bit of disappointment lah. 1 1/2 hour drives to everywhere were super enthusiasm killers. Slept most of the time which left me non-energized, but instead feeling half-sedated. And our "condo" was shitty lah. I totally couldn't sleep.
And the National Spelling Bee is damn scary lah. I thought I could spell, looking at the words made me want to crawl into a hole. I mean, words like
Fauchard and
Serrefine and a whole host of other words... It just blew me away lah.
I'm super home-sick. Or more specifically, CO-Sick.
Over the past few days, I've been dreaming about CO and the COguys every single night. I super super super miss them lah and I hope the proposal has been finished because if it's not I"m going to start slaying some people when I get back.
I'm like so nice on this trip lor. As in, mostly nice. But when I feel like being bitchy, then it all comes out. I'm not talking
angry or
pissed or
mad. I'm talking
Red Alert Defcon 1. I'm talking
emptying the missile silos and scorched earth. THAT bitchy. And I sorta like it this way. I'm nicer more of the time, but to "compensate" I am a lot more fierce when irritated.
And contrary to popular belief, I do not get irritated easily. Only a few things outright piss me off:
Sheer incompetence
Act-Good-Act-Cute bastards
But I've bought my
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I don't care what the reviews think, the
Kreate-A-Fatality and
Kreate-A-Fighter features are just so sexy and tempting. And
Doom: Destruction of Evil and
King KongDid I mention blood and violence turns me on? I think it's the result of playing too many fighting games. Till the point where I can practically learn the game within 1 game.
Going up to Las Vegas tomorrow for 3 nights before jetting back to Singapore. Should arrive home on Friday the 8th, 11 a.m.
Bryan, Emersius, Yang En, Wee Bian don't return until the 9th.
PEER SUPPORT HANDOVER BBQ ON 6th. Shit lah, no contact with Alphonsus or any PSL until I return home lorrrr.
I'm so nervous lor.
I'll go kill people in Heroes 5 now. I love Sylvan. Sprites and Pixies are sexy =) as I can confidently attest to after just staring at them for hours on end.
Lino squeezed Panda at 12:40 PM