Friday, April 28, 2006

Survey Thingy. So fun so fun

Survey stolen taken from Jovina's Blog.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
2nd Column (front to back): Ms Cheryl Wong Pei Thng, Ms Yong Soon Yi, Ms Marliana Bte Md ( The Victorian. Venture 2005

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.

-5 minutes later-

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Some Channel U show.

4. Without looking, guess what time it is?

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
11.14. Nyah

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The aircon, the sound of my mum playing mahjong downstairs.

7a.When did you last step outside?
This morning to go to school

7b.What were you doing?
Going to prison school

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
MSN Conversation between me and Victoria

9. What are you wearing?
Boarding pale t-shirt, black/blue/white bermudas.

10. Did you dream last night?
Yes. I dreamt that I was at school then I lost my homework and got expelled from school. 2nd dream: Back in Evening Of Music Drama 2005, the auditorium caught fire. Been having that dream quite a lot. 3rd dream: KC-VS drama, I screwed up my lines and everyone was laughing, EVERYONE.That includes the other 4 VS Guys and the 5 KC Girls.

11. When did you last laugh?
Typing out my previous blog entry. =3

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
The wall in front of me, behind me and to my left : Light blue. To my right, Dark blue.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Yes. There was this stupid guy on the bus today and he was screaming and moving around like a psycho jackass.

14. What do you think of this quiz?

15. What is the last film you saw?
Eight Below. Lovely film, almost made me cry.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
Buy my parents a lot of stuff, buy a new big house, hire exorcists to make sure said house isn't haunted or anything, buy stuff for friends, donate to charity, ruin my enemies' lives.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
I have feelings.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Make myself the ruler of the world with everyone listening to me unquestionably. Well that or world peace. Actually, just world peace. Just let me live my life without having worry about anything.

19. Do you like to dance?
Like to, can't dance for nuts.

20. George Bush..
...Should burn in hell on a stake.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl,what do you call her?

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Matthias. I've always liked that name, and people named Matthias that I've met seem like really nice people. Call it shallow, whatever I don't care.

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
New Zealand!

24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
I believe you booked the Deluxe Suite of Eternity?

25. 4 people who must also do this in THEIR journal
Nicholas, Danial, Hansen, Victoria

Lino squeezed Panda at 11:13 PM

VIP ( Very Insane Person )

Me- "Oh god...Tamim's coming closer..."
Adeeb- "Ok, stay calm..."
Me - "Try to blend in...Oh no, it's not working...Stay calm...stay calm..."
Adeeb - "He's still coming!!!"
Me - "Ok, on the count of 5 we run. 1...2...3 OH MY GOD 5 RUN RUN RUN!!!"[b]

Ok, today was probably the most insane day I've ever had in Victoria School.

Started out perfectly normally, we went up to the Parade Square for assembly. Wafiy and Danial weren't in class, so I had to be responsible and shoo all of them chickens students to the parade square.

Blah blah blah morning assembly passed, some classes got scolded for coming late. I think Si Cheng's class was in that list. (Un)fortunately, only 4B was actually punished.

English, meh. Picture description. Found out that I really am an Aetheist after all, which is good. Because frankly, after seeing all the plastic Christians/Catholics like Justin and Matthew, I'm just sickened. They claim to be "Oh so holy and worship Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit and everything."

Reality check: YOU"RE NOT A TRUE CHRISTIAN. Last time I checked, Christians are NICE people. That means, they don't go around being absolute assholes and arrogant bitches. I'm not asking them to become Mother Teresa, I'm just saying that once in a while, you should consider how other people feel you fags.

Fast-Forward to Literature. Ms Koh didn't come. The class went ballistic at the news, Mrs Raj told us to shut up and Mr Maran was next door -.-

Anyways, Nic, Clement, Victor, Charlie and I sat down to play Chop Chilli Chop Chilli Chop Chop Chop which will be abbreviated/bastarized to the 7Cs. Why? Because I VALUE MY FINGERS.

So...We played a few rounds. Then it was my turn to start. My moves were...kinky and everyone basically broke up and laughed like crazy.

We played Truth and Dare, which quickly evolved to Dare, or Double Dare. Clement, Charlie and Jun Cong are such sports. Clement kissed Mervin, Charlie, Kevin and..and JIN MENG! Charlie had to kiss Jun COng, propose to him and a lot of other stuff. Jun Cong had to stroke someone or something

I'm so lucky that I only kana twice. The first time, I had to go and ...and...hug...Max...for..-twitch- 3 -twitch- seconds -twitchshudderseizure-.

Danial is so suay. He wasn't even playing, yet he got kissed 3 times and had his THIGHS stroked by Mervin and Ganesha. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

-Deep breath-


Oh well, I'll stop here. Conversation with Victoria is waaaayy more interesting than this.

Lino squeezed Panda at 10:10 PM

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Can't think of one...Eh, wait...

Mrs Raj - "It's Easter! Jump everybody jump!"
Most people but me jump. I raise my hand.
Mrs Raj - "Yes Linus?"
Me - "Are you crazy?"
Mrs Raj - "Yes!"
Me - "Mmm...I thought so."

Hmmm, why am I blogging now. Oh yeah, cuz I'm freaking tired and bored, oh and sick. Oh looky, Hansen just started a conversation about blogging 'bout today's drama crap. Awww...He wants to see it...Oh well, you've gotta wait, lotsa other stuff to blog about.

Applied for the VIP Open House le. After Mrs Chan, Principal of VJC, came to talk to us, I'm now completely, 154-panda% convinced that I want to go to VJC. But...My results are really really not satisfactory...Looks like I have to buck up for SA1...Talking about an average of 80 for every single subject. Crap.

Went to play Badminton at Jo-ann's house on Saturday. However, Mother Nature hates me and there was wind, wind and more wind that day. We attempted to play badminton, but after the shuttlecock was blown by the wind and ended up strangled by the stupid plants, we went to play soccer instead. Then Mother Nature decided to be a BIGGER bitch and thus, rain fell upon the earth. So...We ( meaning Me, Jo-ann, Jo-shen, Mel, Mark and two other insignificant children-things ) went to the basement carpark. Which surprisingly, turned out to be a pretty decent place to play badminton, the only drawback being the limited space.

Monday, forgot to bring my thermometer, and we were in the auditorium for Mrs Chan's talk. Crap. Ended up with only a scolding though.

I now officially hate my chinese lessons. My teacher, dear Miss Cheryl Wong, decided to swop my place with adam's-apple-turned-watermelon Daren something Zi Hui from 2J. As a result, I am now in the world where I have to hide my heart...and knife to prevent myself from simply slaughtering the fagtards around me. My new place is 100-panda % deserving of the term "Fagtastic." On the other hand, I found out today that my new place does have some perks. Like for one, some guy had like 5 ulcers in his mouth, so Ms Wong asked him to put salt on the ulcers. He did. I enjoyed the screams of pain that lasted about 2 minutes, smiling all the way. On the other hand, I bet everyone on that side wants to kill me, then revive me, then kill me again.

OPW was...shocking. I found out that I had been going along with the scrapped idea for like the past 3 weeks. It really came as a shocker to me, putting me in quite a bad mood really. Then again, cheered up when I went with Nic and Adeeb to go and submit our names to Mr Ee for EmCee'ing. I really really wanna be an EmCee!

Tuesday, history was actually ok. PE was fun fun fun! I can bat quite well really, surprising quite a number ( all) of my classmates. But but but! The shuttle run was really disgusting since it rained and everything. The 1st base was like surrounded by mud that was slippery and wet. So you had to slow down like crazy, letting the damn fielders have a chance to finish and tag you out. Fortunately, Ridha, Jun Cong and I held it together and beat the two teams that TRIED to beat us. After recess was the health check-up which really is just an euphenism ( spelling correct I hope ) for RAPE. Luckily, we only had to remove our shirts ( bad enough ) and have our spine checked. Mine is perfectly ok if anyone wants to know ( not likely ). Narrative Writing during English went pretty well although I did struggle for better synoyms for "Anticipated " " Dodge" and "Damn". Not even sure if "Damn" is accepted. E-Maths left me quite confused, but I came home and sorted it out. Stupid Simultaenous Linear Equations crap!

And now for today!

Science was back to biology, back to Miss Ainon. Listening to her talk, I suddenly found sticking my head into the fan a surprisingly good idea. And it's not really my fault. I mean, she starts up the powerpoint presentation and simply blazes through the slides before I can even take notes. I don't care if it's in the stupid textbook, I'm not going to waste precious precious time wading through lines and lines of text to pick out important points. However, I will spend this precious precious time blogging, surfing the net and talking on MSN. My priorities just went out the window I think.

After Bio was Maths. I was so damn tired during it, could barely pay attention. I fell asleep once, but hopefully woke up without anyone noticing. Chapter 8's still quite confusing, so I need to sort this out ASAP.

Chinese after Recess. Same thing, same fags around me trying to insult me, same me blowing them off with self-deprecating comments. It really spoils their fun when you can laugh at yourself, or laugh along with them. While laughing, you plot your revenge and when the time comes, that knife will flash, that throat will be cut and that red rain will fall. [Evil Laugh]

DnT ...oh god, I give up. Everytime we try to fix our project, it becomes even worse than before. Had some nice drawing thingy as well. I managed to get it correct, BUT drew it from the wrong view. Isometric Drawing crap. Gotta admit, I enjoyed it, really.

Lunch was mee goreng that tasted like metal dildos. Not that I would know what metal dildos taste like, it's just another of my screwed-up analogies. Love it or hate it, I don't care. It's my blog, if you're not happy, go flush yourself down a toiletbowl please.

Mr Ikhwan is so weird. Seriously. But he's sarcastic, which is a plus. But enough of that School Head of IT (Abbreviate that, of course not taking "of" into account and see what you get =3 ), back to the melodrama.

Energy level today was seriously seriously low. After the first run through, I decided that since the SEAB people were coming, it was worth it to run through the memory again. However, I kept getting interrupted and thus, couldn't feel the emotions. Also, it's strange that for 2 years, I've never told anyone about this incident. And then within 2 months, I've told it to half the class and Sanam and Benjamin Koh. Weirrrrrd. Anyway. I was desperately trying to infuse pain into my voice, but I don't think it came. Lots of screw-ups when we performed for the SEAB people, I screwed-up too. Just couldn't bring out pain, couldn't reach the level of emotion that I needed, that I had the week before.

After the performance, had what was suppose to be a 10 minute break. Went back to find out that we were given 5 minutes more. That 5 minutes turned into about 20 minutes spent in the hall. It was a fruitful 20 minutes. We were being interviewed by some KC girls. I think they are now traumatized by our retarded answers. Our answers were extremely retarded, I kid you not.

Examples of questions and answers:

Q: What do you think of this experience
Adeeb: It's err...nice
Define Nice
Enriching how?
Errr...Well I don't know! Stop asking me!

Q: How do you feel about this collaboration between VS and KC?
Si Cheng: Um...It's something to look forward to.
Hansen: You know, you're already in it, so you can't exactly look forward to it.
Si Cheng: Errr...
What exactly do you look forward to?
Me: [Whispering] Acting's my passion, and this is a good way to show my passion...
Si Cheng: Errr...
Me: [Whispering] Acting's my passion, and this is a good way to show my passion...
Si Cheng: Errr....
Hansen: [Some random crap]
Si Cheng: [ Points at Hansen ] Yeah what he said.
Me: ...................................

Might have gotten slightly mixed up with some of it, memory's a bit fuzzy. Mr Meyer then called us back to the blackbox ( right when we were talking about him too !) where the SEAB people complimented us on our acting. Don't know about the others, but I strongly felt that I didn't deserve that praise. I really feel that my acting was crappy and downright poor today.

Got dismissed afterwards, but Ms Koh had bagnapped our bags ( actually, we had just left them in her car because we're lazy assholes ) and she was talking with Mr Meyer, some KC Teachers and the SEAB people. So us VS Boys hung out outside the blackbox, bitching about teachers and classmates. Adeeb did a wonderful impersonation of Brandon, I pretended to be Shawn. Hansen, Benjamin and Si Cheng got creeped out. Yay! There was a brief, but enjoyable conversation about suicide in which I commented that if we ever wanted to commit suicide, the 7th floor of VS was a good place to jump from. It offered a scenic view before you hit the ground below and broke about every single bone in your body, even ones you didn't know you had. Hansen argued that when you were falling, you'd be looking straight down, but I said that you could look straight. If you broke your neck, even better since you'd die faster. I can imagine the brochure advertising VS...

"Welcome to Victoria School. Our school offers many opportunites to grow, learn and develop, all in a beautiful surrounding. Admire the trees as you run around the school for Physical Education. Converse in Latin in the canteen over plates of food as you stare at the plants outside. Jump from our 7th floor and enjoy the view before you die..."

Hmmm, that's spastic all right. Would definitely be unique though.

Finally, Ms Koh half-ran half-sashayed out of the room where someone, someone I can't remember who, SOMEONE made a comment about her actually being capable of running. Since she was wearing those dreadful clickity-clackaty shoes of hers, I couldn't blame that SOMEONE. Ran down, grabbed my bag from Ms Koh's car and gently, slowly and carefully slammed her car boot shut. She rushed back to VS, we rushed for the pavements. Less chance of her banging us down there. Not 100-panda% safe but hey, more is better than less!

Met the sec 2 AEP boys at the bus stop. Found out Oswin is an AEP student too...NOT FAIR! Caught bus 76 with Li Zhi and Si Cheng, crapped around with Li Zhi then listened to my nice little slightly-scratched MP3 after he got down.

Crap, gotta go and finish up some work now. Better tell Hansen about updating my blog, the poor fellow is practically begging for me to finish...

Nah, just kidding =3

Lino squeezed Panda at 8:21 PM

Thursday, April 20, 2006

-Evil Glare-

Linus - " Oh please Bob! You're not going to fail! You're good enough to study the stupid Sec 4 syllabus!"
Bob - "How about Kevin?"
Linus - "Oh please! HE'S REVISING THE SEC 4 SYLLABUS!"

Eheheh...Got bored, should be doing E-Maths homework, but I can't remember the questions given. Not that I could solve them anyway...Frankly, I am completely lost in the ocean of numbers that is Manipulation of Algebraic Expressions and Subject-making. Seriously, everytime I think I understand, a PARTICULARLY difficult problem comes along and destroys any morale I had...

Sigh, sometimes I really feel like swearing on my blog, just to release my anger and frustration at life. I don't know why people think I'm blessed, cause I really am not. Have you ever tried living a day in my life? With all the emotional guilt and pain? It's not fun I tell you. One of these days, I'm going to have a serious emotional breakdown...It's just a matter of where, and when. Hopefully, it'll not be in school, VS or otherwise. Especially not during the KCVS drama practice; I think I'd die of humiliation if that happened. The last thing I need is for them to know I'm emotionally unstable. Kinda funny that, since I am posting it on my blog. I mean, if you don't want people to know something, you usually don't post it on your blog...But, seems so much easier to do so...And, it's just so much easier to vent here...I don't want to lash out at people and do things I'll regret...I wonder if anyone noticed that I have not used the F word on my blog a single time...Just another step towards bettering myself...

Today was bad...After 2 Literature lessons, came Music ( A waste of time ) and then English. Recess sucked since I had to help with filming...And we barely got to work on our play with Ms Koh, which is what we were SUPPOSE to be doing. English was basically a period of Art for me since I finished the Narrative handout in about 10 minutes and spent the last 20 minutes drawing. Tomorrow's the all-important Narrative Writing which makes up 50% of my CA2. I'm worried for that...My composition skills are...bad...

Mugged for Science almost the entire day. The science test was much much easier than I thought, even though I'm sure I can't get full marks. When Sodium Metal reacts with Water, the product is Sodium Hydroxide with Water apparently. However, I only wrote Sodium Hydroxide, and realized there was no way I could possibly balance the chemical equation. Oh well, I'm sure that my other answers are almost all correct, the only one I'm not sure of is the last question. It was really ambiguous since it was asking what would happen to THE methyl orange indicator after adding Ammonium Chloride to the Sodium Hydroxide. The catch was, the original question stated that "A methyl orange indicator then turned yellow." Sodium Hydroxide is an alkaline, and since EXCESS Ammonium Chloride was added, the solution is still alkaline....

Oh shit, I just had a sudden thought. Ammonium Chloride IS alkaline isn't it? Isn't IT? Oh crap!

After Science, quickly rushed to rehearse the play for Between Covers. Unfortunately, we came in at a measly 5th place! Adeeb, Nicholas and I agreed to give Ms Koh evil evil evil EVIL glares for at least 2 weeks. But overall, it was an enjoyable experience. The Sec 1 performances, the dramatizations in particular were fantastic. However, the only thing that wasn't nice was the prefect's attitude. I don't know what, but something about that prefect really irks me...

Sigh, got Aikido later...Hopefully, I don't injure myself doing rolls again..

Lino squeezed Panda at 5:14 PM

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Oh well...

Si Cheng - " My name is Adeeb"
Hansen - "My name is Linus"
Both - " We want to be actors!"
Si Cheng - "To express our own thoughts,"
Hansen - "And to entertain ourselves and others!"
Benjamin - "Wtf..."
Me - "Ok Adeeb, 3 things to decide. Number 1, what colour scissors do you want, blue or yellow? 2nd thing, who shall we go for first, Si Cheng or Hansen. 3rd thing, left testicle or right testicle first?"

Drama today was seriously spastic. But, let's explore my life chronologically shall we?

First off, Monday was a bitch. I went to school with a sore throat and to make it worse, I was still getting taupok/rape threats. Still, I shrugged it off because my friends are retards and acted bitchily for the rest of the day. The morale of the story is: When I'm in a bad mood, don't screw around with me bitch. Oh, and Miss Cheryl Wong's birthday is on 17th April for all you fans/stalkers/suck-ups out there. Oh, and if people from CL 2-4, 2006 ever finds his way to my blog: Some of you guys are fags. Who? Those who call me gay. You think I'm gay because I don't like soccer and because I had fun in the drama class. Guess what, at least I'm happy. You see, I try to have fun in what I do. Why? Because we -have- to take that class, so we might as well enjoy it. It's drama practise anyway.

If you think someone's gay because he doesn't like what you like, then I'm sorry, but please go find some random prostitute bitch and screw him/her. Oh wait, just pick each other. You...things fulfil all the requirements anyway. Oh yes, and Tay Yi Jun from 2D, if you think you're so damn manly, then kindly screw off and die. If you think you're manly because you play soccer, then you are fking delusional.

Tuesday was not better. Started off with History, which by the way, I am so damn screwed for. PE was actually ok. Softball becomes a lot easier when you have someone tossing the damn ball to you instead of having to ATTEMPT to bat it off some stupid cone. Anyway, my team totally owned the other team's asses! My entire team worked well, especially those that managed to hit balls that made the other team run like mad rabid dogs. First round, we had 6 home runs, and 4 outs. They had 3 home runs, then 3 outs and we swopped back. We got another 3 home runs and we all knew we had won. >=D

Recess was...oh bloody murder. Went to help Miss Koh with some fancy-nancy camera pancy. Adeeb was suppose to help me, but had to see Miss Yong ( his CSP teacher) for help with translating a chinese song. So I ended up following Miss Koh into the staff room where I made a comment about her Suzuki Swift that resulted in a teacher calling me insolent. Oh well, he said it in a joking manner. I think...

I spent the last 10 minutes of recess (basically) being a slave. After talking with Miss Lim, I found out that the maths remedial was actually on Tuesday instead of Thursday. Holy Crap! So I had to run to find Mrs Raj. She was not happy, at all. Thankfully, she said and I quote "I can genuinely say that I'm not angry with you." Whew!

Now back to today!

Today was the full day we were promised for being the champions in the Cross Country B and C divisions. Dad came in at 6.10 to wake my elder brother up. At first, I jumped out of bed, thinking " Oh crap, I'm late." Then I remembered that it was a holiday. So I immediately fell back into bed. Now I think I scared my dad.

Woke up at 7.15, started up my laptop and uploaded some songs into my MP3, namely Brian McKnight's "Back At One" and Faith Hill's "Mississippi Girl." Then went down to eat a quick breakfast, then hopped on a bus 76. Dropped off at Marine Parade Library. Nicholas came about 10 minutes later, Adeeb reached about 15 minutes later.

We went to Starbucks ( to buy coffee) to relax ( and to buy coffee) and to talk ( and to buy coffee) and to work on our "Between Covers" script ( and to buy coffee ) Oh, please come down to support Nicholas, Adeeb and I on 20th April ( aka tomorrow), 2.30 pm at the Library. Back to the Starbucks ( and coffee) , we were suppose to work on the script together. Unfortunately, I ended up basically writing the script by myself. Then we went to the library where I finished the script and developed a leg cramp.

After Nicholas and Adeeb had finished copying the lines from my script to their script, we went to the nearby playground for a rehearsal since the play is tomorrow and everything. Unfortunately, it wasn't very fruitful and we still have a lot of things to iron out, especially since the performance. Did I mention we're the first up? Yes, we are screwed...So damn screwed.

Went to Parkway later. First to Popular to browse around ( and buy my Science FTP for Sec 1 ), bought a pack of cue cards. Then split up with Nicholas to go with Adeeb to hunt for a place to eat. Finally decided to eat KFC, then went to look for KFC. Joined up with Nic again ( cuz he forgot to take some cue cards) and then he told us that the KFC was OUTSIDE the building. So he left to go home and Adeeb and I went to eat lunch!

After lunch, went to buy a nice BK Chicken Sandwich for Miss Koh. Then ...I- I mean Adeeb had the brilliant idea to go and walk to VS. So, acting on my- Shoot, I mean Adeeb's idea, we started walking. Halfway, it started to rain again. So I scolded Adeeb, then he pointed out it was my idea. What nonsense! So anyway, we ended up running to VS and I called Ms Koh to come pick us up at the school gates. Why? Because I was in a white t-shirt and jeans, Adeeb was in a white t-shirt and brown long pants. He had brought his VS uniform, I hadn't. Fortunately, the security guard let us in anyway ( maybe because we had Ms Koh? ) On the way to the staff room, I kept holding on to Ms Koh's jacket and complaining that because of the rain, I had caught a "koh". As expected, I received "WTF" stares from both her and Adeeb.

We realized the staff room sucked for working on scripts, so went down to the canteen. Ms Koh altered our script, then Benjamin came. Hansen arrived shortly after. Went up to the staff room again to view Benjamin's literature project. Which by the way is kinda spastic spiffy. Oh, and Hansen's hair nice. And he was wearing a shirt with two breast pockets. Benjamin made some comment about "Most shirts have two pockets. But only God can see the 2nd pocket." That resulted in about 3 seconds of stunned silence, then some eye-rolling. Heh heh.

Listening to Jay Chou's Qing Tian ( Cloudless Sky). Pretty damn nice song, heard it during the 2005 EMD. Adeeb's singing this song for his CSP class ( snigger), which reminded me of this song.

Back to le school thing. Ms Koh brought out the fancy-nancy camera pancy and we helped to carry it to the car. We arrived first, and starting talking about ways to destroy the camera. Then Miss Koh came. Oh oh , and she was wearing the T-shirt that said "Low Low prices. 69 Cents only!" I couldn't help giggling when I saw it. Hansen was like "Why are you laughing." So I pointed to Ms Koh's t-shirt ( cuz I was laughing too hard). He got it almost immediately and told Benjamin and Adeeb. Ms Koh gave me this "...You are dead..." look. Damn. Si Cheng called, he was actually right outside the school, at the bus stop.

We got into Ms Koh's masculinity-destroying pink Suzuki Swift and drove out. Picked up Si Cheng. As we turned a corner to Katong Convent, Hansen went "Wow, that was a near-death experience. One more to add to the list, after "Meeting Linus." I just had to laugh. Insulting as it was, it was funny. I did punch him later though.

Oh, and we were given these passes which said "KC/SJI" collaboration. I don't think they understand. The only time we're "SJI" is when we're in Ms Koh's car. In which case we're "Seriously Jeopardized Infants." In a desperate, futile and pathetic attempt to justify the "infant" part, I can only say that we're all children at heart. That, and that we do behave like kids sometimes.

Finally,we're at drama practise. This is probably the section you guys were waiting for. Screw you all, read my entire blog. Or else, thou art faggeths!

We were forced to help Ms Koh set up the camera. Adeeb and I had great fun playing multiple roles. We took on the role of Taiwanese newscasters, with Sophie thrown in as a reporter in the field. Then I acted as an Indian reporter. Then I saw...saw...HANSEN TAKING MY SPOT AS "MOST RETARDED WANTED" newcaster!


So I marched over, and gently flung him away. I got in about 2 minutes of talking before he came back with a vengeance. I managed to escape though. I mean...DUH! But don't worry, Hansen you still rock. Even though your new hair makes you look like an insane maniacal mental-asylum escapee.

Drama was definitely up a notch today. We didn't really have warm-ups, but were told to sit down to think about our characters, what we were on stage for. I think I went too far. I was drawing memories of pain, and went too far when I remembered "the incident".

There was an abrupt surge of emotion that even I didn't expect. The pain, the humiliation...All suddenly hit me at once. Thankfully, only Benjamin noticed that I looked rather unwell. At least, no one saw the tears that came out occasionally. I need to learn to control my emotions...I can't let that happen again. What if I can't restrain myself next time and have a full emotional breakdown...

Managed to calm myself by the time we reached the 2nd runthrough. I was doing rather poorly the first time because I was half-choking on my lines.

Lino squeezed Panda at 6:31 PM

Friday, April 14, 2006


Me - " You know...We're suppose to go if it ends before 4..."
Nicholas -" What time is it now?"
Me - " Barely 3."
Nicholas - " No, it's 4.30."
Me - "No it isn't. It's only 3.55...Oh wait...I see"
Both - >= D

Woo hoo, my Birthday was officially over approximately 20 minutes ago. Oh well...

Today was GREAT! I mean, go to school and having your friends wish you happy birthday makes you feel so good inside. Of course, if they hadn't tried to assrape/wedgie me every 5 minutes, it'd have been more enjoyable. Oh, and the attempted stripping of me in the morning was really really REALLY not needed. Or wanted. I mean, if you have -the- body, then you can flaunt it. Unfortunately, I definitely DO NOT have -the- body so...yeah, let's not blind everyone shall we?

The sad thing is, school lessons were really kinda boring. Literature was basically a slacking social gathering of sorts. Dear Ms Jennifer Koh gave us a mangled poem that she had chopped up with a big bloody black axe ever-so-nicely cut up into hideous things that wouldn't qualify as a shape pieces...

[Disclaimer] The whole of VS 2C, 2006 still loves you Ms Koh! So please don't sue me ok? [End Disclaimer]

So we were forced I mean made to rearrange the poem. Ok, so we ( meaning Adeeb, Ridha and I ) started sorting out the pieces. First of all, I'd like to state that the poem was rather And by funky, I mean WTF! Nevertheless, we tried our utmost best to piece together the monstrosi- err...masterpiece. So we finally finished, and called Ms Koh over to check. BAM! She said, and I quote," It's a mess." Ah, my heart and soul, ripped to pieces by those cruel words. Oh, how my heart bleeds from those cruel, cruel, cruelest of the cruel words...

Anyway, she showed us the answer. Which didn't make sense to me. Really. As in, no sense. Zilch, nada, 0, zero and all the other synoyms in all the other different languages/lingo/slang/jargon blah blah blah. My grasp of Literature seems to be slipping nowsadays, just like my History. If this keeps us, I will have to review my decision to take Triple Humanities ( if they offer, I haven't been bothered to find out...Again, so not peer leader quality ). Sigh...Linus, Linus...Turn over a new leaf will ya?

So after Lit was...Music. Our group project went far far better than I anticipated. Of course, since I had been really pessimistic to begin with, "far far better" wasn't good. Oh well, at least Mr Ikhwan said all we had to work on was movement...The beat was there apparently. Personally, I think our "beat" is spastic but hey, if it gets me good marks, who cares? Not me that's for sure.

Music went into a period of English then recess. Now, normally recess means " fun and laughter". Today it meant "OOO LET"S RAPE LINUS, TAUPOK HIM THEN MAKE A SEX VIDEO OUT OF IT time." Thankfully, none of that happened ( again -.-" ), and I was left ( relatively) unscathed. However, Nic, Adeeb and I had to practise for a little dramatization we were doing for a compeitition later that afternoon. Which by the way, we so have to win. It'll just be the perfect belated birthday present for me.

English was...boring really. After shaking hands with Mr Maran as a sort of "happy birthday" thing, I ( and the rest of 2C, excepting Farhan) sat down to watch Dirty Harry. Now I missed the first part of Dirty Harry cause I was sick on Friday. But if the part I watched was ANYTHING to go by, then boy, am I glad I missed the first part. It was boring, boring boring. I fell asleep during the video. Thankfully, Danial thoughtfully and subtly woke me up by banging my desk repeatedly with his fist. Please note that I said banging.

Science was ok. Got 9/15 for a Chemistry test. Not too pleased about it, lost 5 marks because I couldn't remember the chemical forumla for Nitrate Ion, which is NOH3 if anyone wants to know. One or two careless mistakes didn't help either...

Fast-forward to the dramatization. Again, I didn't screw up ( so bad) as I did for the presentation on Monday. And OH MY GOD, I screwed up SO BADLY! I felt like...oh, just like BURNING my face off. Thank the spirits that only the Sec 2 cohort was there. If my sec 3 and 4 seniors saw that, I think I really would have burnt my face off in embarrassment.

Whoops, a little digression there, back to the drama thing. Ok, so we were in the library ( avoiding Tamim -shudder- ) and thought we would be tested by Ms Koh. Surprise surprise, we were instead tested by Mr Calvin Tan, our relief Maths Teacher. Nice guy by the way, but he definitely needs to come up with a way to control the class. The dramatization was good actually, but I wish we hadn't decided to enter just the day before. We certainly had to rush and thus, didn't manage to memorize the script as I would have preferred it. Never mind, if we get through ( and I pray we do ), we'll give a splendid performance on the actual day itself.

Ok, it's 12.45. I'm not tired really, but something tells me I should really go to sleep. I'm going to need energy to burn tomorrow. On the other hand, I'll just probably be sitting on my bed, wasting my (sad) life in front of the laptop screen.


Good Night...

Or is it Morning?

Meh, who gives a damn anyway.

Lino squeezed Panda at 12:12 AM

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Me - "Now my child...You must be normal like me- BURN ANT BURN WAHAHAHA!"

Well, I just got done watching Happy Tree Friends so my crazy mood is kinda over.

Really, I'm not too sure if I should blog anymore. If my tagboard is anything to go by, then only about 2~3 people read my blog. C'mon people, tag more. This little 14-year old guy needs thy encouragement.

Okies, what am I going to blog about today? I don't know really, I just feel like blogging.

For starters, there was CO CIP today. Wasn't nearly half as bad as I thought it would be. Judging by my ELDDS CIP [ Which was a COLOSSAL FLOP, read about it a few posts back ], I thought it would be another disaster. Fortunately, it turned out well; I got plenty of donations. The people collecting the tins didn't say anything like "wow good job, the tin's so heavy" and such.

On the other hand, if they had said something like " So light?" I think I'd have freaked out right there and then. -.-" Oh wait, then I'll just ask them " Ok, since it's so light, let me drop this on your head. If you recover from your concussion within 1 years' time, you win." That way, I win if they don't recover. And if they do, they had a concussion anyway so...yeah I still win.

Oh yeah, fell sick on Friday. I really need to stop pushing myself so hard. I know some of you guys/girls out there are probably like "WTF? HIM PUSHING HIMSELF HARD? HE"S A **** SLACKER!" Yeah well, it's just that you people don't see it. I really do set high standards for myself and when I don't meet those expectations, I give myself emotional hell. So please, when you see me in a bad mood, it's probably because of that. Thus, you really shouldn't try to piss me off further. Because I'll end up doing something unpleasant, and no I won't say sorry. Why? Because you. provoked. me. This ALSO serves as a warning to my classmates.

There's definitely way too much stress in my life. I know what's happened in my past has passed, and there's nothing I can do about it. But still, that one unpleasant episode is really holding me back. It's this constant torment that when coupled with stress from arguing with those ASSFACE BITCHES ( you know who you guys are ) at school that tears at someone emotionally. The reason I fell sick was because my immune system was really weak yes, but not because I "didn't eat enough vegetables and fruits." Well, not mainly anyway.

I'm sure the MAIN reason is because I am simply way too stressed. Schoolwork is bad enough. Tuition homework is still not too much. What really kills is the CCA. Ironic in a way, since I do love my CCAs ( even though I don't show it for CO). But really, VSCO isn't that bad. It's music, nice music. Sure, it's not conventional music like VS Concert Band ( you guys are great by the way), but it is nice music regardless. I guess you have to actually be playing the song to like the music maybe. After all, I did start liking CO after I actually learnt and could ( and I still can ) play the songs. It's just something about knowing that you -ARE- part of the music, that you are contributing. Without doubt, my instrument ( Double Bass ) is not the main instrument, we don't even have a melody 3/4th of the time, but I've heard VSCO play without the Double-Bass and Cellos and boy, it sounds freaking weird.

Wow, digressed a lot there. No matter really, a blog is where you let out what you feel. Of course, you can't really express all you feel because of a certain organization's tyrannical rule. Freedom of speech my foot. I should be allowed to call anyone any name I like on the internet and not have -that- organization knocking on my door 5 minutes later with the intention to arrest me.

A lot of the CCA stress definitely comes from the KC-VS drama ma-bob. Again, it's ironic. I get so stressed from that, but yet, I know I'll definitely be sad come 22nd May. Let us all just hope that on 22nd May, all ten of us - Adeeb, Benjamin, Charlotte, Daryl, Hansen, Mei Jing, Sanam, Si Cheng, Sophie and I all give our best performance. If we succeed, then at least some of the emotional pain is alleviated (forgive the spelling, but I feel like using that word). All our hard work should, must and WILL culminate in something spectacular that will WOW the audience, make them think hard and thus, result in a change of our current assessment scheme. Also, a topnotch performance may allow the VS EDC to push for Core Status ( which was unfairly taken away in my opinion) once again.

I never realized acting was so hard. Like what Mr Meyer said " Whatever you feel, what emotions you have, you must show it. And it must be magnified 10 times!" That is very true, which does not bode too well for me. I myself find that I am definitely not a good actor. I have problems keeping my emotions flowing through me and "being" the character. Which results in problems with my expressions. I find them static, like they are frozen on my face. Either that, or it's just plain spastic. Acting is hard indeed. It's not pretending to be a character. No way...

Acting is about BEING that character. You have to feel the emotional state of the character, and then translate that into your speech and actions. And talking about speech, it's not easy to project your voice while still expressing emotion.

For example, I need to lower my voice to show maybe...doubt? Therefore I need to be even louder, so that when I lower my volume, there is a noticeable drop, yet I am still audible. I definitely need a lot of practice.

Lino squeezed Panda at 11:26 PM

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Mrs Raj - "What's wrong with you Linus...Everytime I go to class, I see with that sad sour face..."
Linus - " Believe me, when Max and Matthew are around, this is my happy face."

Ok, this is probably going to be a short post since I really am not suppose to be blogging now...

Well, it's official, I'm on a crazy schedule. Adeeb, Mervin and I have something big big BIG on Monday so Sec 2s reading my blog ( Are you that bored really? ), be prepared.

Oh yes. APPARENTLY, there was a hugeee fight that happened outside 2G. Result? One boy's head was said to be slammed against the wall. My gosh, there were blood stains on the corridor...So cool so cool. Too bad I didn't get to actually witness it, then I could have blogged about it with great detail.

Word's also going around that our lovely crappy waste-of-time Sports Day is going to be rescheduled. Perfect, another day that's going to be a complete waste of time.

The KC-VS drama thingy-ma-jiggy is really really getting intense. Timing, tone and movement, we have to get those P-E-R-F-E-C-T. As in, split second you talk, I interrupt and it HAS to have that oh-look-so-natural FEEL to it.

And once again, I have a tone problem. I have this annoying habit of allowing my tone/pitch to rise and rise before plunging. Mr Meyer says it's "nononononononono." That can't be good. The worst thing is, when he IS satisfied with it, when I hear myself, I feel retarded. It really sounds fake to me. Oh well, theatre -is- 90% exaggerated melodrama so it does make sense after all.

I absolutely have to perfect the segments I have with Adeeb, which is like 3...I know it's not a lot, but trust me. If we screw up the segment(s), I'll never forgive myself. The repercussions of screwing up are... are...Gosh, I'll seriously never forgive myself.

You know what? I never really did talk about the KC-VS group did I? Well for starters, it consists of 5 VS boys ( duh ) and 5 CHIJ Katong Convent girls ( No, really I'm sure they're guys). The other 4 VS boys are interesting. his character is -so- different from what he is in real life. The other 3 VS Boys are an interesting bunch too. Hansen, Si Cheng and Benjamin seem like decent, wise-cracking, chewmouse-teasing ( well at least Hansen is) trio of guys. Oh, and Hansen has this nice chain around his neck with a ring on it. Just noticed it today while we were rehearsing the first part of the play, specifically -> Meijing's "assessment" line. Looks heavy and kinda awkward though.

Le KC Girls are nice too. Meijing and Charlotte came to our school to deliver a speech. It really was a nice speech and you guys from VS reading my blog ( still reading? I applaud you... Hey! stop smiling, shut up and continue reading) have to admit, Meijing DID manage to keep your attention ( although not in a desirable way). Sophie is super-cute and Sugahigh. I can totally picture her with Hansen. Darryl ( Or Daryl) is to me a quiet, but very nice girl. And Sanam, well she's very cooperative and easy-going. All in all, the 10 of us seem to be working very well together...

Oh oh oh, better blog about this. Adeeb and me were discussing our ending speech and we (read:I) came up with one of the most inane ideas. So we finish our speech, and then suddenly music comes on. Lights flash, disco style and the audience looks around in surprise. Suddenly, girls in skimpy cabaret outfits come out and dance the Cha-Cha ( which seems to be a favourite of Si Cheng ), before going into a Moulin-Rouge style unrestrained pure wild high-kicking, underpants-showing dance.

So we were talking about it in the KC Blackbox ( which by the way is cool. Did you know they have two black boxes in the black box? So, if you were to put the smallest black box into the medium-sized black box, you would have a black box in a black box in a black box!), and I actually did the River Dance / Cabaret crap. And I think, I THINK Benjamin saw me. And he had this "I just saw Linus do a River Dance/Cabaret thingy. WTF WAS I JUST SMOKING?" look on his face. I wish I had taken a picture.

Oh wells, got to go.

Lino squeezed Panda at 10:40 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Blah blah blah....

Linus -" Eh, I'm only typing with one hand, need the other hand to"
Mr A - " Wank off?"
Mr B - "Masturbate?"
Mr C - "Give a hand job?"
Linus -" style my hair"

Haha, ok so I'm back to blog again. Haven't been updating my blog regularly so since I'm free ( and bored now) might as well blog.

I just remembered : Hansen saw me giving my Creative Communications Speech on Thursday! Argh...I'm so embarrassed. And I was delivering a eulogy. Oh my god....-Bangs head against wall-

So now that that is out of my system...I've realized I've haven't done a list of my favourite songs for a long long time. So , for the month of March ( and probably ) April, this is it:

5th Favourite Song: The Enchanted Garden by Kevin Kern. Miss Koh intro'd this song to me during Literature class, was looking for a song for my powerpoint presentation with Adeeb. It's an instrumental song by the way. It creates a surreal atmosphere for me. When i close my eyes and lie back on my pillow, I find myself carried away to a beautiful garden that is just...magnificent, rich in colour and splendor.

4th Favourite Song: On The Way Down by Ryan Cabrera. An upbeat song, this song puts me in a good mood. An added bonus is that this song is within my limited vocal range so I -can- sing it. ( But that doesn't mean I hit the correct notes -.-")

3rd Favourite Song: Dance With My Father by Luther Vandross. I don't care what anyone says, this song is too beautiful really. I love the way the melody sounds, the tempo seems perfect and it just flows extremely well. The choir in the background is a very very nice touch in my opinion.

2nd Favourite Song: Tong Nian De Hui Yi. A song I'm playing in Chinese Orchestra. Thanks to Ser/Xu Yang for sending this to me. A song that starts off soft and melodious, it changes into a fast, upbeat song in the middle before slowing down, ending on a very full-bodied instrumental song. The music just seems to hit me from every angle frankly.

Favourite Song: I Believe by Fantasia Barrino. Yes I know a lot of people don't like this song, but come on people. This song is one of the hardest songs to sing; good luck hitting the "Higher, higher higher higher HIGHER!" part at the end. You need to have AMAZING vocals to sing this song. Truthfully, I rather someone else ( like Mariah Carey =3 ) sing this song. Fantasia's voice is rather chipmunky in my opinion...

Oh well, nothing else to blog about I think.

Lino squeezed Panda at 7:01 PM

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Age of Ice

Nicholas - " So leave at 1.30 arh..."
Herlene - "Ee...why 1.30?"
Nicholas - "Yar hor...K lah, leave at 2.00"
Herlene - "Ee don't want, leave at 1.30!"

Yes, my friends are spastic I know. Don't tell me about it.

Lotsa stuff to blog about.

First off, VS SPORTS DAY 2006. Monumental WASTE OF TIME I tell you. It completely SUCKED! There were only 2 things fun about that. The first was that I proved to Kevin, Bob, Dexter and Jun Cong that it IS possible to walk from Parkway to VJC in less than 20 minutes (I reached VJC in 15 Mins). Eat that, Mervin!

2nd fun thing was after the rain. Nicholas, Adeeb, Hasif, Ridha, Mervin, Bob, Hanif, Brandon, Kevin, Dexter and I ended up in the canteen near the staircase. Nic, Adeeb and I turned into camera whores, snapping photos of us. Adeeb got mauled so many times - water bottles, hands, the Rochor house flag... Poor thing. Oh well, all in the name of fun.

So due to the stupid rain, we were released early. Woo hoo. That meant Danial, Ridha, Nic and I had to walk back to school in the rain. Ok, so we could have taken a bus. But we're all headstrong stubborn morons who chose to walk in the rain. In school, Danial kept scaring me and I got seriously seriously seriously pissed at him. I mean, once or twice is fine. But when I tell you to stop, please DAMN WELL stop it!

Oh yeah, in the bus, I managed to catch a glimpse of Hansen in a nice black shirt/vest thingy. If it wasn't sleeveless ( I detest sleeveless ), I'd really really like it. So anyways, I fall asleep on the bus ( as usual), barely manage to wake up in time for my stop, walk home in the rain. Once home, I bathed, ate dinner and trudged upstairs to just flop on my bed for about 1 minute.

Today was CIP [Scary music]. And boy, was it a big fat screwed-up flop. For one, it was at 7.30. Bloody hell, THAT"S TOO DAMN EARLY. Oh yes, it's not as if it BEGAN at 7.30. No, I had to wait a whole 45 mins to get my stupid little collection tin! 2nd thing that was screwed up was the pathetic amount of people who were from our school. 6 people - Nic, Adeeb, Charles, Kishen, some other dude and of course, me. 6 ...6 people.

Oh yes, once we actually reach our turn, the lady tells us that we're suppose to be at Tampines. Ok, I'd RATHER be at Tampines because at least, I know that Hansen, Benjamin and Si Cheng were doing their CIP there. But nope, we HAVE to meet at Somerset. Why? Because that's life screwing you over.

Ok so we get our tins. Big fat deal. We get assigned to Dhoby Ghaut. Ok, in my opinion, Dhoby Ghaut is one of the worst places for donations. It's crowded, hot and you have to FIGHT with so many other people. So, we ended up taking a train to Dhoby Ghaut. We reach there, and see OH NO SO MANY PEOPLE! Someone has the smart idea to walk back to Somerset. And we follow, seeing as we're all brainless cows! Good going Linus, you wasted 45 cents. Don't feel bad now, you'll waste more in time to come.

So we go about our flag day. Nic calls Herlene to come down and boy am I glad she did. I think if I didn't have her antics and screams, I'd go crazy...fine, crazier.

Nearing the end of flag day, we meet 2 girls from Singapore Chinese Girls' School. Ok, they started at the same place as us, got assigned to Dhoby Ghaut too. BUT, their tins feel like a brick's been put into them. Why? Because they went to Junction 8. Smart girls! Why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah, because I thought we were suppose to stay at Dhoby Ghaut! So we go back to the lady and pass her the tins. She shakes the tin, looks at me and says "Not very good hor." Well duh! I was fighting with about 1 thousand other people to collect donations in the same damn place. If I had managed to get the tin half-full, it probably meant that I had to kill someone and steal the tin, take out the money and stuff it into mine. Wonderful, why wouldn't I do that just so that I can get some damn phonecard that I don't need ( cuz I have this wonderful invention called a HANDPHONE) and 5 or 6 CIP hours? Lemme see...Oh yeah, BECAUSE IT"S FREAKING STUPID!

Ok, now the good thing - I watched Ice Age 2. It's a pretty nice movie. The CG animations are breathtaking, seriously. It's quite slapstick in my opinion. I'm not sure why the 8 Days Critics give it 3 out of 5 stars, I'd have given it at least a 4. Oh sure, it had practically NO storyline, but most comedies don't really have a good solid storyline. Overall, it's a pretty nice film, go and watch it. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. And if you are, I don't care.

Argh, I need to get Sanam's version of the KC-VS script. I'm getting worried about my acting in the collaboration. I just can't seem to get my pitch and tone right. Also, I noticed I've this annoying habit of going up up up and then down down down...And it tends to happen on the MOST crucial lines. Gah! I'll NEVER forgive myself if I screw up on the actual day. No one else seems to be having this problem. In fact, I feel like I'm the only one with a problem! ARGH!!!

Lino squeezed Panda at 11:16 PM

13 April 1992
Meridian Junior College

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