Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Max, Justin, go eat shit and die lah...Bloody fags...

Lino squeezed Panda at 9:50 PM

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Swearing...It's so me!

"I so do not jump from topic to topic- pandas are cute!" - Me

Ok, I realized that I might just swear on my blog after all.

About time I updated my blog, last time was 2 weeks ago. Suppose to blog last sunday, but was caught up with more important issues like Mapling. On that note, Maple would be an enjoyable game if I didn't meet an average of 6 retards a day. People ask me what level am I and when I tell them, they go like " LOL NOOB! I'm lvl 60!"


HELLO? Do I look like I give a flying fk about whether you are higher level than me you stupid little bitch? I mean, good for you that you're level 60, but don't ask me for my level just to say that you're higher level than me. Fktards...

School's getting to me again. The retards in my class ( you know who you are, assholes ) are getting even more retarded. One's a megalomaniac that thinks he's damn bloody good and can sing. You can kiss my ass and die bitch! YOU CAN"T SING! YOU. CAN"T. SING. The only person who sings worse than you is YOU! DAMN IT DON"T FREAKING SING! I value my hearing and besides...YOU SUCK! Also, the retards happen to all be really insecure in their masculinity. To hide this fact, they constantly call other people gay.

Hey fags. Guess what, I'm secure enough in my masculinity to not have to prove it to others. If you're not certain of your sexual preferences, that's your problem. But don't call me gay. You guys go around farting and slapping asses. That doesn't make you "manly", that makes you nothing more than BLOODY PATHETIC ATTENTION-SEEKING MOTHER-FKING MORONIC BUAY HAO BAI HOMOSEXUAL BITCH FAGS. Kiss my ass and die you assholes. If you don't like me, LEAVE ME ALONE!'s 10...Going to have to sleep soon..I"m so sleep-deprived. Hopefully I"ll have a better week.

Lino squeezed Panda at 9:44 PM

Monday, January 02, 2006


"What does a guild do?" - Jo-ann
"Makes you feel happy about yourself" - Guild Master

Oh wells, it's 2006. Happy belated New Year to you all out there who are still reading my blog.

Well, I'm Sec 2 now. Moving on from 1C to 2C, that's like just changing the torture chamber. Don't get me wrong, I love Victoria School, just that I hate 35% of my classmates. I don't bother them, I don't even talk to them. Yet, they still like to make snide comments. Oh well, it's their life. But if I ever become their boss, they can bet their asses I'm going to fire them and smile while doing it. It's called retribution. I don't care about the "Forgive and forget" thing, it doesn't work for me. I"ll fire them and then ensure there's a professional photographer nearby to capture their shame and defeat. Then I will enlarge that photo and paste it on my wall.

To all my hated classmates that read this blog, I'm going to take it as we're neutral. If you want to be friends, just approach me and tell me. If you don't, then stay the hell out of my way. I'm not going to even TALK to you unless I absolutely need to. Hopefully you'll do the same; it's better for the both of us. It's a new year and I see no point in continuing to dislike each other. It's much better if we were all friends.

Sigh...I've been thinking about the future... I realize that I have no idea of how to take care of my brother. How will he earn money, will he ever have a family of his own? My parents will not be around at some point in the future and as much as I hope that day will never come, it will and there's no avoiding it. I just hope that I find the strength to help both myself and my brother. I don't think I will ever take up a religion again. I mean, I do believe that God exists and if people find believing in him gives them strength, then good for them. I prefer to believe in myself. After all, people say " If you don't help yourself, no one will." How true...

Finding out more and more about myself everyday. I've finally realized my personality - I may be very sarcastic and cold on the outside, but I'm really quite nice. It's hard to believe I know, since I've always prevented people from really knowing me. I know a lot of people will probably laugh at this, but I don't mind. I know me better than them.

Also, one of my resolutions: Stop being a megalomaniac. I'm an attention seeker. Maybe a pathological liar as well, I"m not sure. But one thing I do know, I want to get rid of this vice. It's just this horrible notion that I need attention and will use almost any means to get it. My sarcasm may be the result of this attention-seeking because being different usually means being noticed...

Well, it's 9.12 p.m. I've got to sleep at 10.30, school starts again tomorrow. I really have mixed feelings about it. I want to see all my friends again, the holidays were starting to get really boring. But the thought of the school work that lies ahead really seems daunting to me. I suppose I should really view it as a challenge that I must overcome and learn from. It's so much easier to view it negatively rather than positively even though we all know that a positive view is much more beneficial. Ah wells, may I have the determination and strength

Lino squeezed Panda at 8:53 PM

13 April 1992
Meridian Junior College

Welcome to my blog
It's me


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